is this normal...



Active member
Feb 6, 2009
Just wondering if anyone else has accumulated this many experimental / non-fished / fishable but to embarrassed to put in a fly box flies


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Guilty, I give them all to my brother in law
Yep.. I think I give away as many as I fish. Tying is almost as obsessive to .e as fishing.
would you guys be intrested in swapping these flies? as like a grab bag 2 flies per person( or more depending on the amount of interest)?
i found flies from when i first started tying like 5 or 6 years ago.... so tyers of all levels welcome
I'd be game.
Just wondering if anyone else has accumulated this many experimental / non-fished / fishable but to embarrassed to put in a fly box flies

put them in a fly box and fish them. youd be suprised what fish will take!

flipnfly wrote:
would you guys be intrested in swapping these flies? as like a grab bag 2 flies per person( or more depending on the amount of interest)?
i found flies from when i first started tying like 5 or 6 years ago.... so tyers of all levels welcome

I'd be down, but can I just please give some away?
Yes I do have that problem as well!! LOL!! I usually give them to kids when our club has our annual kids fishing clinic. Maybe you could give them to a local boy scout group or something similar.
nfrechet wrote:
Just wondering if anyone else has accumulated this many experimental / non-fished / fishable but to embarrassed to put in a fly box flies

put them in a fly box and fish them. youd be suprised what fish will take!
This is true! 2 weeks ago I was fishing a small stream and I wasn't taking anything. I came across a BIG HE that I tied when i first started. It was terrible. Too heavy, bead was too big (I actually had to wrap copper wire in front of the bead to keep it from sliding over the eye of the hook), everything was out of whack. I thought, "what the heck?", tied it on, and I started nailing the brookies. Actually, when the fly was wet, it looked pretty awesome and the trout loved it! I couldn't tie it again to save my life, but I hope I never lose this fly.

Like other folks, I give mine away or recycle the hooks.
Man, that foam frog/gurgler looks like it would fish no problem! I prefer black/olive marabou, but no doubt that it would do well on bass. Some of the others ties are suspect, but that one should not be in the box of misfits.
The poppers and gurglers are tied well for the most part some were experiments most are crease flies I just don't do much bass fishing
I have an entire foam board covered with glue eggs in every color you can imagine. I can't sell them or give them away. They look good but no one fishes them.
I have the first few dozen flies from when I first started tying but that's it. Any fly I'm not happy with gets the blade, too cheap to not reuse the hooks I guess. Besides I figure what's the use having flies laying around that I'm never going to use? I figured out a long time ago that there's no use putting flies in the box I don't like cause I never fish them, take up much needed space is all they do.
I am with you on taking a razor to the misfit flies. If I have a fly I am not happy with I can't even look at it sitting there mocking me. I have to take it down to the bare hook and turn it into something I will use.
Exactly, hate that mocking stare. I don't like giving to someone cause if someone else sees them they'll think that's how you tie.
Hey I'll GLADLY take any bass flies you guys are tying up but not using! Experimental or otherwise...pre-spawn is gonna start soon!
Awe Satch if you woulda posted this yesterday... Kidding they get the same treatment as the trout flies. ( run finger across throat and make scratching noise) :-D I got no extras not a square to spare. :p
i have plenty of those. And ones that were fishable but now were falling apart. I throw them all in a Randall Cunningham eagles cup. Hopefully to one day be recycled. Hopefully when my son gets old enough he'll like tying and do it for me. But for not hes one week and 3 days old lol.
What? Me worry!