is this a fallfish?



Active member
Apr 23, 2013

Based on pictures I think it is. It came from a slow moving warm canal. I thought they lived in fast cold water.
It looks like a golden shiner to me. I've caught them on small poppers and CDC and Elks fishing local lakes when I go up to Vermont for a long weekend over Memorial Day and the 4th. Definitely fun on a 5 wgt
I'm not that great with minnow ID (since fall fish mouths, creek clubs, and lots of other silvery fish are classified as minnow) , but I don't think that is a fall fish - fall fish don't usually have that scooped belly and they seem to have larger heads.
Looks like bait for a 50" Muskie to me! ;-)
Agree....That is a golden shiner, not a fallfish.

Fallfish are typically found in streams but they don't necessarily have to be cold streams. Fallfish are very common in warm water creeks and rivers too.
jeremymcon wrote:
- fall fish don't usually have that scooped belly and they seem to have larger heads.

And their lateral line is much closer to being straight.