Is swimming allowed in a DHALO stream?



Active member
Jun 11, 2016
Southwestern Pa
Just curious if swimming is allowed\permitted in the FFO\AL posted areas of a stream?

A few years back in mid summer a bunch of people were swimming in on the flat rock of Meadow Run stream.

I moved on, but further downstream there is a place for people to swim at.

My guess is that place was too crowded.
Generally if it's not not allowed, then it's allowed. That is if there are no no-swimming signs, then swimming is OK. Hard to outlaw swimming, but allow wading.

Doesn't make for great fishing, though.
You can even bathe in DHALOs and FFOs. I recommend Ivory Soap, because it floats.
Before I went to Texas to avoid the economic dust bowl that was PA in the late 70's and early 80's I was living in my truck.

I had a favorite stream in Cambria county where I used to bathe, with Ivory soap.

Even in August that water was COLD... and the "shrinkage factor" was off the charts...
upstream of paradise (spring creek) has no swimming signs after people were doing this 2 years back. if you have problems with this on regulated waters contact PFBC about posting the area
Thanks Gents!

I recall one spring when I was a like 40+ years ago, I was fishing Dunbar creek. Must have been in April or May and that stream was slippery. This was "pre" boot spike days.

Well, I'm going down the stream...hit a flat rock that was like ice and it just sat me down in the creek. Hip waders of course.

I think it took me 15 seconds or so to actually react to get up. After that I always appreciated warnings about "don't fall overboard" when the water is cold as all get out. Your body just won't do what you want it to do!!
Ah, the Polar Plunge. Falling in results in "the walk of Shame" back to the truck. You can actually walk on water if it's cold enough. I had an unceremonious baptism in the Chattooga River with chest highs on that cost me a rod that I threw to be able to grab on to a rock so I didn't drown. GG