Is making your own leaders worth the trouble?

pcray.......awhile back you wrote that thhe knot you have trouble with is the line leader connection. Have you ever tried the braided connections with the shrink tube? Also i just bought a Cortland 444sl DT 4wt that has a loop built into , oddly , one end of the line , that goes right through also. And a nail knot covered with a little flex material too. This is a cool subject.
I haven't tried the braided connections with the shrink tube. I never liked loops much. I use a nail knot.

But I do use the flex material (UV Knot Sense). It's no panacea, but it helps.
Try tying a nail knot with maybe 6" of mono with a surgeons loop on the end , triple , right g? and then fasten your leaders surgeons loop to surgeons loop. Easy to change leaders. To handle different conditions.