pcray1231 wrote:
It would mean that Pat was wrong
Seriously, though, there is a hollow coming down into it. There's a stream, either on the surface, or perhaps subsurface, or perhaps both (intermittent).
I have caught underground brookies! There's a little spring near our camp. Not much more than a swampy area, we dug a hole and lined it with stone to make a permanent "puddle", refreshed consistently with fresh spring water. We use it to keep minnies alive. No stream coming to or from it on the surface. It then presumably goes underground and comes out as another spring (Tubbs Run drainage). Rarely, but once or twice, we've found extremely pale brookies in that spring hole. That means they travel underground to get there!
Provided a source of cold water, it's amazing where they can get to. This is why it's highly unusual for a suitable body of water NOT to have them.