Is anyone seeing a paflyfish favicon?



Sep 13, 2006
For quite a while I've been wondering why we have no favicon here at this site. Maybe I'm the only one not seeing it. I checked the HTML code just now and Dave has a code written for a favicon, but it may not be correct.

This is the code Dave has in the head for a favicon, without the brackets -
link href="" rel="SHORTCUT ICON" /

This is the code I use in my pages and it works great-
link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"

Could someone contact Dave and see if a change in the code will make his favicon show up?

Thanks, Mark
Mark, you can PM Dave or e-mail him any time. I can't verify the issue because for some reason, at work, no favicons show.
Thanks and i will look into it. Can probably get something fixed this weekend.

I still don't see it when viewing the web page Dave, but now I can see it as an image if I put this URL in my IE browser-

I couldn't see it before using that URL, so maybe if you go back to your original code it will show up.

Thanks, Mark
Mark see there is your problem you are a Microsoft user, :) Just kidding. I just checked my mac and windows systems and it is working with all the browsers. Are you expecting to see more than the lame looking fly I put up in the favicon? I really don't much about them, so help would be great.
Unless the favicon is blue "e" with a yellow halo around it, it isn't working in my browser tab. I'm not sure about in my favorites menu because I have a "forced" favicon from some time ago.
Whats a favicon?
I see it and I use windows. It's the little icon next to the site's name in a tab or address box, should also be bt the sites name in your favorites. Think of the red Y! for yahoo.

Ohh- ok. Never heard that one before.
That has now replaced "reboot" as the number one support response. :)

My favorite is, "Is your computer turned on?"
The PAFF favicon is there!!!! It just appeared by itself. It looks like a housefly that should be swatted, but it's there.......
I did a full dns flush and I'm still not seeing it on Mozilla (ver 5) or IE (ver 6).

Other favicons are working when placed in the root directory of the site and there is no link reference made to the image.

Are we running APACHE or IIS? The two handle serving to browsers a bit differently. I run APACHE on Fedora. Again, my favicon is stored in the root directory of my site ( and is not referenced with a link tag.

APACHE should allow for the caching of the image with the site automatically.

IIS, I believe, looks for the rel in the link (maybe take out caps? I don't know if browsers will parse with relation to case).
It is Apache and here is the code:

link href="" rel="SHORTCUT ICON" /

There has to be something else going on. Let me check a couple things.
I can't see the code you posted, but I assume it was the link reference in the head of the document.

The icon shows when I get to the home page, but as soon as I navigate away from the root of the page it's disappearing. Tried flushing the DNS cache as well as the local browser cache again to no avail.

It doesn't look like an APACHE config issue, since the server shouldn't be serving info on the .ico file for browser parsing.

Try removing the link reference from the head on one of the lower level pages and see if the browser picks up after a dns flush.

Let me know when you make any kind of update and I'll try it from here.

it is a CMS system and I really don't know how to do much more the change the main file. The lower pages, I think, are all served from the SQL DB.

Ah, perhaps it's not worth worrying about then--just small aesthetics!