Invitation to Didymo Ethics



Active member
Jan 21, 2008
Vigilance regarding cleaning gear or rotating gear to allow dry time is ALWAYS something anglers fishing different waters should be doing, whether a stream has been verified with an invasive such as Didymo or not. That wildlife were/are plausible agents of transmission does not diminish this.

In other words, if you have only been cleaning or rotating gear after fishing a verified Didymo stream such as the Gunpowder or Delaware, but NOT cleaning up or rotating gear after fishing, say, the Yellow Breeches or Clarks (Didymo has not been confirmed there, but that doesn't mean it isn't there), you should start doing so for these other streams as well. This applies IF you fish a DIFFERENT stream in the near future, before your gear has had time to thoroughly dry.

Again, this is mainly a concern for people who fish DIFFERENT streams before their gear has had a chance to thoroughly dry (Didymo in experiments has been shown to live on damp felt soles for 40 days).

Of course, when in doubt, or if you don't have time to let the equipment dry thoroughly, all you have to do is clean.

This may not in the long run prevent anything, but it certainly can't hurt and may very well help.
