International Fly Tying Symposium

Probably. something to do and hit a good restaurant on the way home.
Does this mean the Fly Fishing Show is also headed back to Somerset??
I'll more than likely be there on Saturday.
I'll be there Saturday. My salt water club has a table and I'll be working at it and tying some flies.
I’ll have my PAflyfish hat on. If you see me, say hi!
Went to the show. It was on the small side but decent. Spent some time with Joe Ackoury. He showed myself and others how to tie a old school breadcrust fly. He trimmed and split a grouse feather to wrap over orange-ish dubbing. I bought some really nice comparadun type deer hair and some of his fur dubbing blends. Good guy.
The drive home became a nightmare due to a crash and vehicle fire on 287N. The highway was closed down. A alternate route through Bound Brook was closed also.
Went to the show. It was on the small side but decent. Spent some time with Joe Ackoury. He showed myself and others how to tie a old school breadcrust fly. He trimmed and split a grouse feather to wrap over orange-ish dubbing. I bought some really nice comparadun type deer hair and some of his fur dubbing blends. Good guy.
The drive home became a nightmare due to a crash and vehicle fire on 287N. The highway was closed down. A alternate route through Bound Brook was closed also.
I really enjoyed meeting and chatting with Joe at some past Lancaster shows. I also have purchased some of his dubbing and deer hair over the years. Joe is really focused on the quality of the materials that he sells. Great guy and his dubbing is awesome! I would love to see him tie a Breadcrust, he also has a great technique for tying his Comparaduns.
The deer hair and dubbing is first rate. Good deer hair is not easy to find. Quality stuff. This was the first time I actually had a chance to talk with him for quite a while.
Falcon-sorry we didn’t bump into each other.

I thought the show was very good. Yes small in size, but it did allow 1:1 access to the tyers. I really enjoyed watching Barry Ord Clarke’s talk on hackling. Passing each fly around the room after each demo was a nice touch. I’ll be practicing his techniques! Plus I loved his books in that besides the text and pictures, you get a QR code that takes you to a video of that fly being tied. Nice concept!!

I bought a bunch of feathers and dubbing for upcoming “projects”. So it was a success for me. See you in the “What are you tying today” thread very soon.
I was there on Saturday. Spent most of the day tying at the South Jersey Coastal Fly Anglers table. The show wasn't very crowded which was good in a way. I was able to get up close and watch and talk with the tyers. I didn't buy anything. I was looking for some Ahrex hooks. They were around $2 more than what I would pay for them at my local fly shop or online. When I left I saw the parking lot on 287 but it was on the northbound side and I was heading south. So no problems there.
I was tying there doing Pike/Musky stuff, it was great getting to meet new people. Learned a ton while I was there as well!