Insights on Catching Walleye on a Flyrod



Jan 28, 2007
Most likely I will be fishing still water but interested if anyone knows how to catch that tasty fish with a fly rod. Thanks in advance.
Stick with streamers. I like Clousers or something similar. 'Eyes are fish eaters. Also, I'd recommend going a bit lighter on tippet than I would use for bass - think in the range of 8lb test line. Low light conditions are best, or at night.

There's a recent discussion of walleye fishing in the warm water forum for more info.


(This thread will be moved to the WW forum shortly)
Dave gave good advice. My number one walleye producing fly is white bucktail, 4x long hook, and a cone or bead. Simple and it crushes walleye. If night fishing walleye will come very shallow at night to feed. Keep that in mind. I mean they can come into inches of water depending on what the body of water is that you're fishing.
Big meaty streamers.
I have only caught a few but they were all caught on a chartreuse and white clouser
In addition (and actually related to..) what Dave said about low light/night time walleye fishing, I've found that if I'm on the water when it is somewhat murkier than usual (not downright dirty, just somewhat off color), walleye will often move into the some of the feeding slots usually occupied by smallmouth when the water is clearer. The same flies mentioned above work well along with darker leech patterns and the like.

I've had my best days catching walleye more or less accidentally while fishing for bass under these conditions.