Industrial waste spill--Frankstown branch Juniata

Well I just read all this sh.. Did somebody do a really good "Divide and Conquer" here? I thought we were discussing a spill?

Well, I'm gona turn off my computes, use less internet bandwidth and not warm the earth with my cooling fan and anxious exhaling of CO2.

AHHHhhhh..... I do feel better now.
afishinado wrote:
SurfCowboyXX wrote:
Tuned to "roll coal"?

Grow up.


Wow, I had to Google "roll coal" to find out what it're a true Hilljack just know about such things :roll:

Some would consider me a "hilljack" and even I had to google it.

I’d be surprised if we ever see fish again in Frankstown Branch, or the big Juniata for that matter. This was a catastrophic event which resulted in 200 gallons (less than 4 barrels) of naturally occurring dirt to spilled onto other naturally occurring dirt. I’m sure by the time the vac trucks arrived on site to clean it up at least 10 gallons of this dirt made its way into the stream.

To ensure that a catastrophe of this magnitude never occurs again I would propose that we all immediately stop driving our automobiles, have our electric service disconnected and our natural gas turned off. I for one don’t care if my 90 year grandmother freezes to death as a result of not having an affordable source of heat. Don’t even think about cutting down trees to burn in an attempt to stay warm, do you know how bad deforestation is and the amount of greenhouse gases released from the burning is not worth risk. We can NOT allow dirt to spill on dirt ever again!! Who’s with me?
timbow wrote:
I’d be surprised if we ever see fish again in Frankstown Branch, or the big Juniata for that matter. This was a catastrophic event which resulted in 200 gallons (less than 4 barrels) of naturally occurring dirt to spilled onto other naturally occurring dirt. I’m sure by the time the vac trucks arrived on site to clean it up at least 10 gallons of this dirt made its way into the stream.

To ensure that a catastrophe of this magnitude never occurs again I would propose that we all immediately stop driving our automobiles, have our electric service disconnected and our natural gas turned off. I for one don’t care if my 90 year grandmother freezes to death as a result of not having an affordable source of heat. Don’t even think about cutting down trees to burn in an attempt to stay warm, do you know how bad deforestation is and the amount of greenhouse gases released from the burning is not worth risk. We can NOT allow dirt to spill on dirt ever again!! Who’s with me?

Every now and then someone says something that is so profoundly stupid that it makes my head hurt. This is one of those moments...
deaddriftx wrote:
timbow wrote:
I’d be surprised if we ever see fish again in Frankstown Branch, or the big Juniata for that matter. This was a catastrophic event which resulted in 200 gallons (less than 4 barrels) of naturally occurring dirt to spilled onto other naturally occurring dirt. I’m sure by the time the vac trucks arrived on site to clean it up at least 10 gallons of this dirt made its way into the stream.

To ensure that a catastrophe of this magnitude never occurs again I would propose that we all immediately stop driving our automobiles, have our electric service disconnected and our natural gas turned off. I for one don’t care if my 90 year grandmother freezes to death as a result of not having an affordable source of heat. Don’t even think about cutting down trees to burn in an attempt to stay warm, do you know how bad deforestation is and the amount of greenhouse gases released from the burning is not worth risk. We can NOT allow dirt to spill on dirt ever again!! Who’s with me?

Every now and then someone says something that is so profoundly stupid that it makes my head hurt. This is one of those moments...

I’m glad I was able to make your head hurt.
Well it appears not everyone knew who Mr. Yuck was
Swattie87 wrote:
SurfCowboyXX wrote:
Yeah, "rolling coal" rates right up there with dumping your old refrigerator in the creek, wearing a confederate battle flag belt buckle, and skinny-dipping with your sister. Good times.

And only marginally better than catching fish on spinning tackle or kayaking.
. First off I was making a joke....( which by the way is what a Prius is.....A car driven mainly by millennial snowflakes)......Secondly I've been called a lot worse than a hill jack ( but not in person only on the phone or internet) The last person that insulted me got a " stop sign," look that one up Surf Wowboy......I worked over 30 plus years with " real men" out of the Pittsburgh I.W. Union , I've pipeline welded for the last 5-6 years and have seen 1st hand their Environmental policies..... Illegal pipelines and poisonous drilling fluids ......Please , talk about something you know about.......
troutbert wrote:
SmoothOperator wrote:
troutbert wrote:
2018 Toyota Camry hybrids are rated at 52 mpg.

That's amazing. And they are comfortable cars, not cramped.
. Sorry I cancel your " sacrifice " out ........ "98" F350 dually w/ Powerstroke pre-emission diesel ........ 10-12 mpg and tuned to " roll coal "........🙂🙂🙂

My "sacrifice?"
. No way could I fit in a little car like that.....It's a clown car....Your going to have Teenage Boys picking your car up and setting it on the sidewalk when parked next to the street.....And on the Interstate the Big Rigs will scare you shi*le*s
( which by the way is what a Prius is.....A car driven mainly by millennial snowflakes)......

Actually not. A quick google search will find a lot of results that show the Prius is not typically owned/driven by "millennial snowflakes", but rather older people and those of higher incomes. For whatever it's worth.

I might be a Hilljack, my family used to own the top of Boot Jack Hill in Elk county outside of Ridgeway. I guess that would make me the son of a hilljack?
The hardest core republican I know drives a prius. Why? because he's very wealthy, very smart, and knows how to NOT to waste his money. He parks it between his truck and his Ferrari. He also has quite the gun collection.
"rolling coal" is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of, a sure sign of the lack of intelligence of the idiot behind the wheel.
As for me, I'll keep putting along in my little dodge truck.
deaddriftx wrote:
"Roll coal"

You must be one of those profoundly unenlightened inbred folks who pride themselves in being ignorant...

I'm confused.

Are you referring to those that do this, or those that know what it is, or those that claim that anyone who knows what it is a hilljack?

I know what it is.
bikerfish wrote:
The hardest core republican I know drives a prius. Why? because he's very wealthy, very smart, and knows how to NOT to waste his money. He parks it between his truck and his Ferrari. He also has quite the gun collection.
"rolling coal" is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of, a sure sign of the lack of intelligence of the idiot behind the wheel.
As for me, I'll keep putting along in my little dodge truck.

Wait, I thought you replaced the 1 ton nun mobile (van) with a Chevy truck ... with standard transmission.

afishinado wrote:
Wow, I had to Google "roll coal" to find out what it're a true Hilljack just know about such things

Surfcowboy wrote:
Yeah, "rolling coal" rates right up there with dumping your old refrigerator in the creek, wearing a confederate battle flag belt buckle, and skinny-dipping with your sister. Good times.

All you guys are faux Hilljacks. Surf is a genuine Hilljack, born and raised up in the hills of Virginny...

He's now highly educated and respectable, but ya can't never really take away the "hill" from the "jack"....only suppress it.

Me, I'm a coal cracker, born and raised in coal country...still one of dem at heart.

What's in your wallet?!
bikerfish wrote:
The hardest core republican I know drives a prius. Why? because he's very wealthy, very smart, and knows how to NOT to waste his money.

Well, if that is the reason he bought it, either he puts a ton of miles on it, or is bad at math. ;-)

For clarity’s sake…

I knew what Rollin’ Coal was prior to this thread.

I did not know, and still don’t know what a “Stop Sign” is. I did some rudimentary Googling, and most of the responses indicated that it’s a red, octagon shaped traffic sign directing the operator of a vehicle to cease the vehicle’s forward momentum for a period of at least one second before proceeding. From the context clues as it is referenced in this thread, it seems more likely to be some kind of threat of bodily injury or harm.

Fact checking: Both the Prius and Camry are not jokes. Toyota is making plenty of money off selling them. Both are universally praised as being among the best quality and most reliable cars in their segment. Both are the best selling car in their segments as well, for whatever that's worth. I currently own a Camry, and it has more seating room in it than my 4Runner. Both front and rear, and it’s not even close. I don’t know the seating dimensions of a 98’ F350 to compare, so I won’t.

Back to the joking: Rollin’ Coal is also right up there with someone playing with their dog near a Trout stream on public property. Wait, playing with your dog is still worse. My apologies SmoothO.
Swattie87 wrote:

Fact checking: Both the Prius and Camry are not jokes. Toyota is making plenty of money off selling them.

Well, if that was the only qualification, then pet rocks were not jokes, either. Millennials might have to google that.

But no, I don't think Prius or Hybrid Camry are jokes. They just are not universally the best choice for everyone. They didn't make sense for me. And I'd argue that without the tax credit, they wouldn't make financial sense for most.

Hey Al, I bet you rich Republican friend wouldn't have bought one without the tax credit.;-)

And I wouldn't buy a 4Runner, either. 😛


I had never heard of rolling coal, looked it up and this is what I found.
From the Wikipedia article entitled "Rolling Coal", more specifically the section addressing state by state laws regarding modifying diesel engines and exhausts:

"The practice of rolling coal has not spread enough to justify legislation outside of the United States."

We're pioneers again!

FarmerDave wrote:
bikerfish wrote:
The hardest core republican I know drives a prius. Why? because he's very wealthy, very smart, and knows how to NOT to waste his money. He parks it between his truck and his Ferrari. He also has quite the gun collection.
"rolling coal" is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of, a sure sign of the lack of intelligence of the idiot behind the wheel.
As for me, I'll keep putting along in my little dodge truck.

Wait, I thought you replaced the 1 ton nun mobile (van) with a Chevy truck ... with standard transmission.

The Chevy rotted away, still ran great with 230k on it, but it was leaving piles of rust in customers driveways! Picked up a used dodge dakota cheap from a guy I know, nice clean truck, decent miles on it.
Not sure what I want to buy next, maybe another motorcycle!!