Indian creek

foxfire wrote:
Keyed, broke into, gas syphoned.

Were you parked at the trailhead?
Or did you try going down into deliverance country
Deliverance County - so yes, I was probably asking for it!
Thanks to both of you guys for sharing your experiences there.

I had some thoughts about driving down Hawkens Hollow road, and checking things out.
But think I'll forget about that.
Wanna stay clear of anywhere that an armed guard is required
So sad that people act this way. but they do, and in these weird and troubled times, the hilljacks seem especially gung ho.
As anyone fished the upper end of Indian that has been designated Class A? Is that area open to the public?
LetortAngler wrote:
As anyone fished the upper end of Indian that has been designated Class A? Is that area open to the public?

The class A stretch is in the uppermost section that runs along the turnpike.
And I've never fished it up there.
But have checked out a stretch just downstream of there, and saw no posters.
So, I'm thinking you can probably fish your way up there.

I usually fish Indian Creek around Jones Mill and Champion. And other than a few short posted sections , it's all open to fishing.
Mostly stockies, with a few wild brookies.

I've fished several of it's tribs that are class A:

Camp Run is on state forest land , and completely open to fish.

Roaring Run has a few open sections. But a lot of it is posted
I fished Indian Creek at Indian Head on Tuesday 6/16. The water was clear and very low, also there was a noticeable sulfur stain on the bottom. Water temp was right at 60. Caught 4 and lost 3, all the fish fought well and seemed to be healthy. I hope with the improvements that are being made at the trail head near the reservoir that vandalism will stop.
The upper class A part has a lot of small wild browns and a couple natives mixed in. Its a nice stream. I've fished it a dozen of so times over the past decade and as long as theres a decent flow of water, the fishing will be good.
Explanation of why there is AMD in Indian Creek from the Mountain Watershed Association.Mountain Watershed Association

I don't know if I got the link posted, but you can Google Mountain Watershed Association to see the info.
I made a return visit to this stream yesterday.

Spent the first few hours fishing by Jones Mill in the DH section.
Water temp there was 66 at 10 AM.
Caught several on terrestrials. Quit at noon - air temp getting quite warm already by then

I had been wanting to check out the entire lower part of the stream in the gorge area And brought my bike to do it on.

As expected, the ride down to the junction with the Yough - 4.3 miles - was nice. Pretty much just glided down there in about a half hour.
Didn't fish - the creek was way too warm for trout.
Did see people swimming in several of the deeper holes.
And I took a quick dip myself. Very refreshing

Coming back up was a bit of a grind.
But I made plenty of rest stops, and it wasn't too bad - even on a very hot day. The entire trail is well shaded

I had some thoughts of trying several of the tribs, which are supposed to hold WT.
But decided to nix that.
I was by myself, and it is pretty rugged country.
Coupled with the bad behavior of the locals - as reported by several others earlier in this thread - it didn't seem like a good idea.
Maybe some other time when I have a companion to do it with

But it was still a worthwhile venture
Might try it again in the fall.
Be really nice in cooler weather with the fall foilage