Indian creek



Jan 29, 2008
Does anyone know if you can fish Indian creek downstream of Mill Run reservoir down to the Yough river? It looks like beautiful water when I hike up above but I haven't ever seen anyone fishing it.
I've never been down there. But a friend of mine, who lives right on the stream, fishes it regularly.
Says it can be pretty good.

Supposed to be very scenic too, with several waterfalls.
It's on my radar
I think it is an absolutely beautiful stream. It makes me smile as soon as I can hear it from the hill above. My son turns 11 tomorrow and part of his birthday present was a set of waders and wading boots. He can't wait to get them wet so maybe that will be an adventure for next week.
Have you hiked all the way to the yough?
Wondering how far and steep it gets down there.
Thinking about doing it with my wife. And she doesn't like trails with a lot of slope.
Most of that is Westmoreland Water authority. Used to be and probably still is a dirt road that runs along the stream down towards the Yough. Back in the early 2000’s the gate to the dirt road was closed and properly posted. After 9-11 it got patrolled pretty routinely.
Unless thing have changed don’t think you can fish it. Never had much in the creek itself. Towards the yough was pretty decent though in the spring and fall.
I have fished it a few times, caught a few trout and a few rock bass. It is a beautiful area. The bike trail that runs alongside the creek has been improved recently and should be easy to walk or bike. It is approx. 4 miles from the small parking area across from Camp Christian to the yough. The slope from the trail to the creek is somewhat steep.

Thanks for the info. Sounds like a nice place to check out, even if I don't fish.

By the way: there is and outfit called the Mountain Watershed Association that has been heavily involved in getting this trail made.
And they have activities along it.

One of them - a nature walk into the gorge - was supposed to happen tomorrow.
Of course it was canceled.
However, the person who was going to lead it, went and videoed everything.
And there will be a virtual tour posted on youtube.

I'll have to check it out
What is the land ownership situation there?

It is owned by the Westmoreland County Water Authority. There are signs at the gate near Camp Christian saying that hunting and hiking are allowed on the property. People fish the reservoir regularly but I hadn't ever seen anyone fishing the creek downstream, although I didn't see any reason why it would be prohibited which is why I asked.
I am glad someone else was able to answer what the trail was like going down toward the river. I have only been maybe a mile down that trail. I have gone farther through the woods. I wouldn't recommend taking your wife on the woods route if she doesn't like steep slopes....unless you have a very comfortable couch to sleep on.
burghwolfe wrote:
It is owned by the Westmoreland County Water Authority. There are signs at the gate near Camp Christian saying that hunting and hiking are allowed on the property. People fish the reservoir regularly but I hadn't ever seen anyone fishing the creek downstream, although I didn't see any reason why it would be prohibited which is why I asked.

Thank you.

My friend that lives on the creek upstream of the gorge, says that he - and many others - float through the gorge during higher flows.

He also said there is big deep hole down there, that's a great place to swim during hot weather.
The big hole is probably where Rasler run enters Indian Creek, that would be about two miles from the parking area. I have caught rainbow trout there.
I walked down into this gorge some recently with my wife.
Just about a mile or so from the trail head at Camp Christian.
Didn't fish - just wanted to check it out a bit.

A few observations:

It really is a scenic area, with lots of wildflowers blooming right along the trail
Although it would be nicer if it ran closer to the water, which is quite a ways off and downhill.

The stream in that area is just about all fast water.
Really didn't see any nice dry fly type of pools.

There are a few posted signs around a house that sits close to the dam. The residents there understandably don't want people tromping through their yard.
But other than that, I saw no other trespass signs

I talked with several people who were fishing in the lake, and were from the area
And they told me that you can fish anywhere in the lake or creek.
There were a few signs saying no fishing off of the dam itself though.

That dam is probably about 20 feet high. With the water pouring straight over the top of it.

I'm sure that the water going down into the gorge gets quite warm in the summer.
And you wouldn't want to trout fish down there then
I've fished from the river up to the reservoir a dozen or so times in the last few years. Its phenomenal for smallmouth. I always go with a buddy because wading that stream is fairly treacherous. Between two people, we usually land 100+ smallies. There are a few trout in there, but not that many because the reservoir really heats up the water before it spills over the top of the dam. Yes, there is a trail with a significant grade that follows the stream down to the river. The swimming hole is used by many local and out of town kids in the summer to party. They refer to it as "hawkins hollow" because it can be accessed illegally off of hawkins hollow road. No, there is not a giant hole where rasler run enters indian creel. There is a small hole, but nothing huge. That area gets more shady activity than any other spot in fayette county, which is really saying something. Just do a Megans law search of that area and there are plenty of dots where offenders live in that area. Lots of drug use back in that area as well. As somebody that lives 5 minutes from there, I always carry when I head back in there, and I don't go alone.
Fayette -

I found some information about a campground on hawkins hollow road.
Apparantly, you can stay there and access the lower part of the creek.
And the owner will even let you just park there for the day - kind of a day pass I guess - for a nominal fee.

Although, with what you just said about the area, I wonder if that would even be safe.

I saw on a map that another road forks off of hawkins hollow road, close to the bottom of the gorge. And crosses the creek, dead ending close to the river.
Have you ever driven down that far, and is it legal to do so?

I'm kinda thinking that maybe the best approach to the lower part of the creek, might be to drive or bike to Camp Carmel, and ford the river.
I've fished the large pool there before, and think it could be done during low flows
The best approach is to just walk down the "bike" trail past the mill run reservoir. 100% legal public access and the trail is as wide as a small dirt road. The river cannot be forded at camp carmel. It's pretty deep there, and where it isn't too deep, its much too fast. You could cross in a kayak at camp Carmel though, but then. again you can't actually walk through the camp area. They have it posted pretty well. So you would be dragging a kayak through some thick brush for 200 yards of so above the camp. As I said, bring a side arm and a friend. I have seen plenty of belligerent partiers down there and I actually saw a person injecting something into their arm before down there.
Don't take Fayette's warning lightly! I too know the area and no longer fish there due to the 2 legged predators - had vehicle destroyed way back when.
foxfire wrote:
Don't take Fayette's warning lightly! I too know the area and no longer fish there due to the 2 legged predators - had vehicle destroyed way back when.

Sorry to hear that.
Would you want to elaborate on that some?
Keyed, broke into, gas syphoned.