indecisive... generic summer/fall prospecting fly.

Size 14 black foam Beetle trailing a size 16 sinking black Ant.
What are the tying instructions for the Hawger/hogger I have read about it but don't see tying instructions anywhere.
Used Sept. 1,2010 Highly visible and successful


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A "Ladybug" ?
gentleshepherd wrote:
What are the tying instructions for the Hawger/hogger

Cut a clump of fur for the tail, remove guard hairs, tie in by the butts.

Cut a bigger clump of fur, remove guard hair, tie in butts just behind eye of hook. It will stand up a bit when you tie it in. Use a thread dam to get wing to stand up more. Leaning forward is OK.

Cut a clump of fur, remove guard hair, and twist into dubbing noodle on WELL waxed thread. This stuff is tough to dub, so be generous with the wax, or use a dubbing loop.

Dub body with fur dubbing noodle - add more fur as needed.

The more scraggly you make this fly look, the better it fishes. On a lot of woodchuck (groundhog) fur patches, there are sections that are dark, and sections that are lighter in color - that accounts for the color differences in the flies in the picture.

I tie these from size 12 - 20 on a dry fly hook. It seems to work well as a changeup for when fish get fussy after seeing a lot of immitations.

I learned this pattern from John Sniczak while fishing the Little Lehigh many years ago. Simple, cheap, and effective tie.
size 14 elk caddis , midge pupa dropper , small brass bead or tung.
I recommend size 24 or 26 ants, Al's Rat, or just a small deer hair comparadun.

Or you could just tie #32 Royal Wulffs :lol:
Y'know what people, just because I have an aversion to CDC is no reason to try and pair me up with jdaddy.

Anyways, I went out, and got lost in the details again. OTOH, a size Mustand C53S in 16 with a cricket wrapped around it casts well enough with a 1wt, but I ended up being annoyed and just using the Usual, functionally no different than a HA's Hawger.

Except it uses snowshoe rabbit foot, whcih is cheap and plentiful. Like HA says, its an absolute beast to dub, though, but I find rather than wax the thread, if you run your fingers over the wax, it goes better.

I still don't like the beetle, I tried, but it just looks stupid there floating along.

I need to get out again and this time hit up my usual haunt with some crickets, and see if I can convince myself to have some faith it in.
I thought you couldn't use your face cream . . emmm I meant Gink with snowshoe?
I gink the hell out of it all day long, takes it like a champ and comes out almost as pretty as me.

You can't gink your hoity toity Cul de Canard.

Seriously, think about it.. I use lucky rabbit's foot, y'all use some froofy Franch duckass feather.
what about power bait on a really small hook? lol now theres something that noones mentioned what about small stimulators?
Size 16 black cricket. I just use black dubbing and black deer hair. Some people laugh but eat it up when I hook up on it. Also Cinnamon ant, one of my favorite flies. IF tied correctly it seems more effective than a beetle for me. Also, I reacted the exact way you will when reading this.. Me and my buddy were out at the conawago. I was doin ok but my friend was killin it. I asked him what he had on and his response was a piece of wood. He wasn't kidding.. It was a quarter inch peice of balsa about at wide and round as a pencil with some mint green paint and black dots.. I would like to report that trout at stoney love on that fly all day long.
I'll put that one in my file next to "Ant, Chernobyl."
gfen wrote:
I'll put that one in my file next to "Aunt Chernobyl."


Do svidanya. :-D
Considering which one of my aunts you once lived by, you may be more right than you realize.
Swing a little 16 hares ear soft hackle in the film or dead drift it. A little 16 letort cricket.
i do fairly well witha generic dubbed nymph floated in the surface film with floatant only on the wing case i tied them in black ovlie olive-brown tan and dark brown and a few grey ones too