indecisive... generic summer/fall prospecting fly.



Active member
Apr 8, 2007
I've noticed the last couple times I've been out, I've gotten hung up on pickign a fly and sticking with it.

So, I need a suggestion for a good prospector.. Ideally, it needs to be under size 14 so it'll cast with a 1wt, float well and accept gink when required (stuff your CDC suggestions), work from dawn to dusk if I don't see anything out there, and.. I dunno, I guess that's it.

Contenders have been Royal Wullfs, brown Usuals, and a size 14 fur parachute ant.. But, as I said, I get all indecisive and just start snipping and retying over and over again. I need to just fix and go, and I'm having a hard time convincing myself on how to do it.

Not sure why I'm against big ants or beetles, but those are the answer, aren't they? If so, what's your preferred size, colour, and pattern?
I would say parachute and or even a size 16-20 Deer Hair caddis. Thats my go to dry fly
A yellow popper!
Oh wait, we're talkin trout again...

I prefer to search for trout with larger flies and save the little stuff for specific fish. And yes, beetles are the answer my friend.
I've been having luck lately on a good ole Elk Hair Caddis, size 14 and below. Color doesn't seem to matter.

Been having luck with a Winged Foam Beetle as well.
I actually tied about 16 EHC's this weekend! That what happens when you get sick.
Can only go so large before its uncastable with the 1wt, and its my new toy so I'm not going back to those clunky 3 and 4 weights. :)

Beetles. I don't know why, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around them, to the point where I've never tied on one.

So, foam or something fancier? Black foam, tan foam, other foam? I know I've got a couple somewhere with black foam over a herl wrapped hook, although I suppose part of my issue with the old ones is the foam bodies always looks clunky, like i never got 'em beetle shaped, y'know?

Gah. Someone give me another answer that soothes me before I'm forced to the vise for beetlemania.
Small Kilnkhammer?
Just foam. I don't think color is important, just something that looks acceptable, black, brown, red. Nothing crazy like pink.

I just tie the foam strip on, wrap some peacock herl about 3/4 the way up the hook. Fold the foam up. Tie it off. Clip the foam just infront of the eye. Take some bright chenille or bright foam to tie an 'indicator' at the 3/4 point. Finish.
I wouldn't go near any stream in summer and fall without my ants and beetles. I tie mine with black deer hair. There's just something about it that makes the fly seem a little more real IMO.
And also it makes that nice little plop in the water when cast.
A #14 crowe beetle tied with a peacock herl underbody has caught fish for me everywhere.
If that's too big for your 1 weight, tie them in #16 or even #18
gfen wrote:
Beetles. I don't know why, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around them, to the point where I've never tied on one.

I could not agree more. Maybe I will try some tomorrow
gfen wrote:
I've never tied on one.

Good thing - your wife would have to remove the hook from your butt. :lol:

What about a "Hawger"? Good attractor/immitative pattern, and you only need a tiny patch of groundhog fur to make a whole bunch. The fur has natural oils that help it float, so you rarely need floatant. They work!


  • Hawger.jpg
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I can't imagine going trout fishing this time of year without, crowe beetles and ants. Wouldn't leave home without them.

Good to see Jay having some luck with the WMD, love that fly!

Coffe bean beetle, trout love em.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
What about a "Hawger"? Good attractor/immitative pattern, and you only need a tiny patch of groundhog fur to make a whole bunch. The fur has natural oils that help it float, so you rarely need floatant. They work!

This looks almost spot-on to the Usual/Haysack, which is par for what I've neen using.

I'm going to whip up a few foam beetles this AM, and see if I can turn out a convincing size 12 cricket, and cast it.
A bright colored visibility post really helps on terrestrials used as searching patterns. With flies in the #16 and larger sizes, you can add these visibility posts quite easily (I like orange razor foam). Again, you're tying flies for searching which of course implies many long casts in run and gun fashion covering lots of water of all types, but esp broken water. Considering the long casts, broken water, and the fact that strikes are likely to be sudden and want a highly visible fly.
Yeah, that's a great idea!

(looks at the couple of Letort crickets I literally just finished)

...For the next time.

Although, I do have time to run up and grab the puffy paint before the wife makes me move the car and I'm not coming back in. At least the lone foam beetle can have an indy on the back.

Y'know, Bergman's trout contains only a single hopper pattern. One. I don't care how out dated it may be, I'll have to add that to the mix tonight.
CDC and Elk caddis i.e. remove the CDC in your case and use elk hair caddis. For some reason I have gotten stuck on a green x-caddis as of late. I forget what material I tied the body with, some antronish green dubbing. Use ginger antron for the tail and elk hair for wing (either dark or light). No ribbing. Floats like a cork and takes gink.
If you would try the Tiemco Dry Magic that HA recommends it would change your mind on CDC plus you would never use gink on non-cdc flys again. The stuff is that good. Dries/evaporates quickly, float lasts forever, can tug flies under and get them to emerge back up, and no oil slick. It's seriously a winner.

Edit: Oh and a 1wt just begs for the delicacy of CDC.
jdaddy wrote:

If you would try the Tiemco Dry Magic that HA recommends it would change your mind on CDC plus you would never use gink on non-cdc flys again. The stuff is that good. Dries/evaporates quickly, float lasts forever, can tug flies under and get them to emerge back up, and no oil slick. It's seriously a winner.

Jeff - I have tried to tell him. I believe he was standing next to me when I bought my last tube of Dry Magic at the Somerset show this past winter.

I think the reason he didn't buy some was that he enjoys spending time in the cosmetic aisle of the drug store buying Albolene. Hmmmmmm.

I think his sudden weight loss has caused his hormones to go into overdrive. First, the women's cold cream. Then wanting to perform a gay marriage ceremony. Next, the whole pie crumb on the belly thing. And..... I quote:

"there's something enchanting about his soft southern drawl"

Ding, ding, ding - the gaydar alarm should be ringing in your head. With him wanting to share a room with you up in Erie for the Steelhead Jam, you should be concerned. Sounds like a man crush to me.

With any luck, the closet door will creak nice and loud while it is opening. :lol:
Next, the whole pie crumb on the belly thing. And..... I quote: "there's something enchanting about his soft southern drawl" Ding, ding, ding - the gaydar alarm should be ringing in your head. With him wanting to share a room with you up in Erie for the Steelhead Jam, you should be concerned. Sounds like a man crush to me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa here. I need citation. I am not aware of this discussion!

Eidt: Searched "southern drawl" and found it. DO NOT WANT!