Incredible Birthday Gift



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I turned 67 this past March. My son turns 30 in November. He came across a "bucket list" of things you should do before you turn 30. Lucky for me one of the things on the list was to take your dad on a fishing trip. He reached out to a couple of my fishing buddies to plan a trip. My wife, daughter and daughter-in-law all chipped in for the cost of the trip as a birthday present. The result was a 5 day trip to fish the Big Horn in Ft. Smith Montana and touring with my boy.

I hadn't been fishing with my son since 2010 as he didn't get the bug for fly fishing. It turned out to be a wonderful gift. The fishing was really good on the two days we floated the Big Horn. We caught several fish in the 16-19 inch class. My son caught the biggest fish, a beautiful rainbow.

Equally good were the side trips to Yellowstone, Cody, Wyoming and the self guided tour of Battle of the Little Big Horn. Spending 5 days with my son was priceless. It's the most time spent together since he aged out of Scouts.

I am a truly fortunate man to have such a wonderful and supportive family.


Your lips to God's ear!

Congrats on the trip, your birthday, and the good fortune with you family.
I went to Yellowstone for the 2nd time last year. Now Im going again because I said I was taking my 2nd son out there.

Told my oldest that we need to have an united front and say this is a father/son annual fishing trip.

That's a great story! I spend a lot of time with my dad, but he dosn't fish. I wish he did. I would take him on a trip like yours. Maybe I'll get lucky with my daughter ( she's 3) and she'll want to go on a fishing trip with her old man.

Great story and great suggestions to make it an annual event.
Great story Salmo.

My dad was killed by a drunk driver when i was only 25, but one of my fondest memories was taking him flounder fishing out of Connecticut the year before. I arranged for a friend with a boat to take us out.