Im working on a new pattern



Jan 20, 2012
I would appreciate your input on a new pattern im working on

I call it The Insane Clown Popper


  • th_poperlo.jpg
    4.2 KB · Views: 17
Nice popper, I love the colors. That should be highly visible even in low light. I would like to see a psychedelic version.

Your photo shopping is horrible. You must have watched Tosh last night to get this bright idea. Waiting on curds.
Love it! The body looks a little like my mailbox. Is that cork?
by SBecker on 2012/7/11 9:38:00

Your photo shopping is horrible. You must have watched Tosh last night to get this bright idea. Waiting on curds.

i dont know what any of this means, I guess i am getting out of touch in my old age
mrchunk wrote:
Love it! The body looks a little like my mailbox. Is that cork?

yes it is cork and after i painted it i used hut beeswax as a finish because it is natural, great water proofing, and pleasing smell to the fish.

all fish love honey this is known
N8ureboy wrote:
by SBecker on 2012/7/11 9:38:00

Your photo shopping is horrible. You must have watched Tosh last night to get this bright idea. Waiting on curds.

i dont know what any of this means, I guess i am getting out of touch in my old age

He's basically saying that you used a program like "paint" to color in your popper. I'd tend to agree with him. Your lines aren't straight and one of the "smile" lines goes outside of the popper...
ahh yes i used a program like "paint" to develop the general designs before i go through the difficulty of actually painting the poppers.

as i wrote earlier "Im WORKING on a new pattern".

but i made a few and will use them on my bass fishing trip this weekend.

also Mr. Becker likes to tease me and give me a hard time, it saddens me that he likes to harass the elderly

The elderly should all live in Florida. Pete and GG have the right idea.
If you young guys would work harder so we could get a raise ,then maybe we could move to Fla lol
this gives me an idea for some new poppers...


  • kiss.jpg
    54.4 KB · Views: 2
now you are just being silly turkey
I was thinking the Joker, (Heath Ledger) from the Dark Knight movie.
What did you use for the tail?
I think there is a brush selection in the MS Paint program that makes it.

I dont get it?

That girl in your picture is hot!
Lol he designed the fly in MS Paint, but thanks!
I'm designing a new fly too its made out of beer and a Mcdonald's sausage Mcmuffin. lol It should catch a lot of fishermen!
Sounds like a good idea. Then when it is bitten into we the fisherman will know what the fish feels like when it's hooked in the mouth!