I'm there



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
This is 30 minutes from my house i'm on a mission now

Go for it Fred. Can't wait to see your smiling face posing with a snakehead.
Fredrick the Serpent Slayer. :)

Snakeheads have been thriving in the lower Potomac River for some years now. The MD DNR requires anglers to kill them but their numbers seem to be increasing. I watch the MD DNR fishing reports and these fish are actually somewhat popular with anglers. They hit lures, fight hard, hang out in the same places bass are located, and are evidently pretty good to eat.
Unlike grass carp and some other invasives, at least snakeheads have some potential redeeming value as sport fish. If they ever manage to get above the Great Falls, it's probably only a matter of time before they colonize the upper Potomac watershed. So far, however, they seem to be confined to the tidal river. Let's hope it stays that way.

If they continue to grow in popularity with anglers, however, the chance they'll be illegally stocked by fishermen (like flathead catfish) could become more likely.
River Monsters had a show on snakeheads. I think for part of the show jeremy was down in florida nailing them in canals around golf courses. Apparently, there are several anglers down there that routinely catch them for sale at asian markets. From what I remember, they were making like $50 a fish. Not a ton per fish, but keep in mind they were boating one every cast, so not a bad payday for being on the water.
Try FDR Park

bam wrote:
Try FDR Park


yup saw one cruising the pond there last week actually
I can launch the SS Tweed at becks ponds plus the scenery is a lot better
that was my home pond-since its one of a series on the upper Christiana river it will be hard to keep them from spreading.
Down to where white and red clay join the Christiana.
Then up white clay past Newark into Pa. ,just in time for Fades fall jam.
Could get interesting.
What is that stream that fills the pond called Pete ?

my goof
actually a small creek called Belltown run which empties into the Christina above smallys dam-so there is two dams.
Well I was getting ready all week to hit this pond this Sun . I was hoping that Irene was going to hit during the week but oh well I have still have some time left till fall . If I catch one I will make sure you guys see some pics .
You might be able to kayak down South Street on Sunday!