I'm sure I saw a fish there...

How big do you think it was?
Split next time...
I was trying to get it to take on top. Oddly enough it wouldn't rise to my termite fly. :rolleyes:

That should be, "Oddly enough it WOOD-ent rise to my termite fly." ;)

Do feel so bad, I once spent almost as much time casting to a sunken tree branch with a small branchlet that would pop up occasionally looking just like a riser from the 30 - 40 foot distance I was casting.

It was driving me nuts until I got suspicious that the "fish" (which I later named "Twiggy") never changed position by even an inch. So I landed a cast right on it and snagged the bastard, broke it in a thousand pieces and threw it on the bank...

Which I don't believe is in violation of any PFBC regulations even though this happened on a Class A Special Regulation section.
I once spent an hour casting to a couple of rising fish during the GD hatch on Penns. When I finally hooked one it was a big chub:rolleyes:
Back in the days when the mark of Pennsylvania’s fly only creeks was over stocking and Falling Springs flowed through a dairy pasture, my dad, a bunch of his buddies a I were fishing the pasture. It was very crowded, but there were 25 trout in every hole, if not more.

My dad pointed out one very focused angler, and said, “that’s Vince marinaro. He’s here to fish, not chat with some kid, so don’t bother him.”

The legendary limestone fisherman had taken up a position in casting range of a great spot and guys were checking out his technique and noticing that he was casting to what appeared to be a brown trout in the 5 to 7 pound range, hunkered down in the nice little run.

After an hour or so, the old master moved on, and it gradually came to light that he had been casting to a very fishy looking log.

I think of that day back in the 1970s every time I realize that I have been trying to get a rise out of a log, rock or piece of vegetation that has the same tail shape and movement of a big brown.

If you have never found yourself casting to something that looks like a big trout, only to prove yourself wrong, you haven’t been doing enough fishing.
Speaking of Vince Marinaro...

One day while fishing the Letort in the Barnyard I took a dive to the ground when I spied two monstrous browns swimming around in a deep hole about 20 yards upstream of the I-81 bridge.

I laid there channeling my best Vince Marinaro & Charlie Fox lessons, doing my best to be as invisible as possible. Still on my belly, I presented my cress bug imitation, over and over again but it was refused over and over again by that stubborn...


Bastard...!! :mad:

Some time later while "guiding" a bunch of NYC friends on the Letort, I made a point of snagging one those carp, (by accident of course ;) ) while a buddy & his wife were fishing well down stream. I held the fish up for their admiration never acknowledging it was a carp and I quickly released it before they could move upstream for a closer look.

They still talk about the giant Letort brown I caught that day. ;)

FWIW - I also make it point when catching trout that somehow miraculously turn into chubs or fallfish to pretend they are trout if someone is fishing nearby.

So next time you are out if you see some dufus catching a lot of trout but he turns his back when he releases them...

Save your admiration 'cause it might just be me catching chubs... :cool:
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I can say, for absolutely certain, that I would have hooked that log on my first cast. Probably would have set the hook like I caught a fish too.
'sunken logs' takes sometimes perdigons style...have to be deadly if front.

Rainbow End