If you fish the Chesapeake Bay...



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
...there could be quite a bit less fish this coming year:

This fish die off is not involving species targeted by FFers. The fish in question are juvenile "spot." A large number (approx 2 mil) of these fish died recently due to a sudden extreme drop in water temps. These die offs are fairly common although I think this one may be larger than usual. Anyway, if you're unfamiliar with spot, they're a tasty small panfish often used for bait and similar to croakers (although smaller). An average angler caught spot is about 6" in length. They have a lot of fans in the angling community and this die off may effect the fishing for a season or two. It's too bad this happened but had the die off been of striped bass it would have been a much bigger loss to the FFing and sportfishing community.
spot make good striper bass down there. as a kid growing up down there in the summers we used them for stripers. mostly small schoolies. caught a lot in the C & D canal.