If Cost, Time and Distance Were No Problem...

GT'S in the Seychelles. I would never do it but since we're dreaming.

Got- Coastal Cutthroat and Humbodlt Cutthroat then tarpon are ahead on the list but w no budget why not Christams Island.


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I think if money is no object - a float on the lower dean in BC for steelhead or the Sandy River in the Aleutian islands.

BrookieChaser wrote:
I'd be on a salt flat in Belize or mangroves in FL.

I'd bring Vanessa Lenges.

Belize would be No 2 on my list.

My No 1 was planned this year but cancelled due to medical issues. TO Jackson WY and West Yellowstone MT. One week each.

So it will be next year.
I've worked in Mongolia but wasn't able to fish there.

Beautiful country, very poor infrastructure, even in Ulaan Baator.
Miramichi for Atlantic salmon
Since money is no object, I would buy a great pick up truck w/ a custom camper and spend my time tooling around North America. This gives me the option of staying in remote places. When my wife and I pleasure travel, we like meeting new people and doing different things. We are big into local foods/cooking/crafts/estate sales/etc. Tooling around North America would give me the option of visiting local fly shops, hiring local guides and fishing a lifetime and a half of water. Off the top of my head, I could easily spend a week in any of these regions: Nova Scotia, Maine/New Hamshire/Vermont, New York Catskills, NC PA, Northern Michigan, Michigan UP, Smoky Mountains, Florida Keys, Wisconsin driftless region,. Add out west - US and Canada - to the picture and I see a very enriching experience not to be had anywhere else in the world... but that is just me.
+1 on dsmith. There are so many hidden gems around this country, rivers to fish, people to meet. A little camper, a yeti, and a selection of Delormes.
dsmith1427 wrote:
Since money is no object, I would buy a great pick up truck w/ a custom camper and spend my time tooling around North America. This gives me the option of staying in remote places. When my wife and I pleasure travel, we like meeting new people and doing different things. We are big into local foods/cooking/crafts/estate sales/etc. Tooling around North America would give me the option of visiting local fly shops, hiring local guides and fishing a lifetime and a half of water. Off the top of my head, I could easily spend a week in any of these regions: Nova Scotia, Maine/New Hamshire/Vermont, New York Catskills, NC PA, Northern Michigan, Michigan UP, Smoky Mountains, Florida Keys, Wisconsin driftless region,. Add out west - US and Canada - to the picture and I see a very enriching experience not to be had anywhere else in the world... but that is just me.

Me, too.
I'd go to Sweden and fish for pike off a boat in all those lakes up there. I'm a big fan of the YouTube show Fly vs. Jerk and watching those guys hammer pike looks so fun. Not to mention some other aspects of Sweden that would make a dream vacation extra dreamy.

But really, I'm so focused on becoming a better smallie fisherman right now that'd I'd probably pass up pike and Scandanavian blondes to have extra time on the Susquehanna and nearby rivers.

I'm leaving for Slovakia in a couple days, but won't have time to fish while I'm there. That's another one I'd like to get together if I could time it right. Trout and grayling in the River Vah would be fun. That's one I will do eventually.
There are many but, lets start with the South Island, NZ for the season.
three days in kamchatka,two days on christmas island,two days on the kola peninsula :)
You said time was not a worry, but you limited me to 7 or 8 days!!! If I had the time and the money, I'd fish anywhere I wanted for as long as I wanted!!! I'd spend a year out west, a season each in Europe, NZ, belize etc. I'd fish for small fish and big fish, exotic fish and common fish.
BUT, I'd also want some culture to go with it, good pubs, good friends, good food. all of this combined is what makes the memories worthwhile.

Al, don't tell anyone, but New Zealand fits your criteria to the letter. GG
You guys are naming all these crazy exotic places Ive never heard of.

Id be happy spending a week in the big woods (Tioga/Potter Co) just hiking and camping
Amen, Steve.

I have a "bucket list", no doubt. And it includes places many of you have been to but elude me right now. Maine, Labrador, Montana, but it all comes down to this. If I had to pick ONE place to spend 7 or 8 days, I'm going north to my cabin.

Now if time was no issue and I could take all the time I'd want, as Biker has suggested, ok. I'll hit up all those "exotic" places. But if I get one week, I'm going where I know I feel at home and can relax.