If Cost, Time and Distance Were No Problem...



Active member
Mar 16, 2015
.. Where would your next fly fishing trip take you?

Give it a tink...

Here are the parameters:

Cost is no object, you've got plenty of dough to do anything you want.

You have no family, work, or other commitments to interfere.

You could go anywhere, world wide, in a dedicated jet, boat, train or whatever, for, let's say, 7 days and 8 nights.

Where would you go and for what species would you fish? Who would you take along as a fishin' buddy?

The heat index in TX is 105 today. I'm stuck in the house. Gunsmoke re-runs are over for today and I need something to dream about. Heck, at this point I'd even be happy with a trip to Noels Creek...
I know there are plenty more luxurious destinations, where I would probably catch more and bigger fish, but my trip would be fishing high elevation lakes in the Rocky Mountains for cutthroat, golden trout, grayling and Brookies. I have had the opportunity to do a couple high lakes in the past and personally, I do not think there is much that matches it. Spectacular views, clear water and beautiful fish that rise naively to generic dry flies as they cruise around the lake. My goal would be a 20+ in cutthroat and golden and a 16+ in Brookie and grayling. Tough to pick a state, but I would probably lean towards Colorado based on experience, with my next choice being Wyoming or a little of both.

My fishing buddy would be my sister, we have both been through a lot since her twin was KIA in Afghanistan, and I think she would appreciate the trip the most.
I'd pick Kamchatka. The salmon and steehead of Alaska with a few Asian salmonids I've never seen thrown in for good measure. Smoking volcanoes as well.
Kamchatka for sure. Just watch this, or get the full movie and you'll put it on your list.


That said I'm going to Alaska in 5 weeks and am counting the seconds.
Patagonia or Mongolia. Be the hardest decision in my life.

Giant trout and Golden Dorado



Ya not sure i could make that decision. thank god i know ill never need to...
If I could be sedated for the entire flight it would be either Argentina/Patagonia region or New Zealand. Of course I haven't even been out west so I should do that first.

I'd probably take Kate Upton along even if she doesn't want to fish. You did say something about a dream trip after all.
Hmm..I'd drive 2 hours east like I do every other weekend and fish Cumberland Valley Springs. They are my all-time favorite fishing destinations.
If I ever got to fish one of the sixty some pristine spring creeks of New Zealand for 7 days , that statement might be subject to change....
So, I suppose NZ trip to target the Browns, then a trip to the High Sierras for Cali Goldens, followed by a trip to the Pacific Northwest (Oregon Springs), and a pit-stop at the paradise valley of Montana on the way home... Yep..
Being 17 I have all that except the dough lmao
The first thing I though was; I'd probably be fishing right now instead of checking the computer. I know there are more exotic and expensive trips, but I'd really like to do a guided horse-pack/camping trip into a wilderness area; Maybe the Bob Marshall in Montana or something similar.
Jessed: Study hard, work hard and in just 50 short years you'll have the dough...

Aw, rats!!!
I'm kind of like LetortAngler in many respects. I've been to Alaska twice with my uncle to see his son who worked for the Alaska Department of Fish 7 Game. My cousin counted salmon and steelhead as they did their annual spawn runs on the Situk River.

The Situk River is so well known that I was drinking in the bar at the Glacier Bear Lodge with anglers from Germany and Japan. Larry Csonka did one of his shows on that river on his TV show: North to Alaska.

My uncle financed these trips and wanted a remote Alaska trip with nobody else around us. He hired bush pilots to take us to the Akwe River and then come get us at the end of the day. The Akwe River parallels the ocean so close that one can hear the ocean waves crashing on the beach right behind you. I didn't catch many big Dolly Varden, Cuttthroat, or Rainbows, but these are wild fish, and you will see the backing on your fly reel there. I did catch some Jack Salmon which are 5 lb. immature King Salmon. They were right in from the ocean and are real burners on a 5wt. reel. They can't do enough to get back to the Pacific Ocean fast enough.

Just hold on long enough is all you can really do.

My parents have lived in Aspen, Colorado since 1984. When I go visit them I really don't care about the skiing. I just want to go fishing on the Frying Pan River.
Think Grumpy Old Men...

An ice fishing shanty on a frozen lake in Minnesota with HEAT, comfy beds, BEER, a cook stove, TV and a hole in the floor that I can fish in at 3:00 am after I open the door to get rid of some of the beer.


A lake like you see in the movies or old Coleman ads with a tent pitched right on the bank where the trout are willing & stupid and you can catch a "mess" for breakfast like Andy & Opie.
I would save travel and lodging costs, buy a fine rod and reel combo, tie on fresh line and leader and fish the Green Drakes on Penns from the 3rd day in to the emergence, buying off every angler who shows up in MY beat to go elsewhere.
I suppose Belize or some tropical paradise with shallow, wade friendly flats and lots of happy bones and permit.
I'd be on a salt flat in Belize or mangroves in FL.

I'd bring Vanessa Lenges.
Patagonia for 5 days and then to Tierra Del Fuego for sea run browns.
GG says:

usa.updates@airnz.com 778$ La to Auckland RT. The link is no good, but the price is/was.
Simply irresistible!! GG
The question makes me consider Patagonia or Kamchatka like everyone else. i.e. publicized dream destinations.

However, if given a little time to research, I'd probably look for something a little more off the "fly fishing travel business" radar. I mean, Mongolia and Kamchatka are mentioned. And umm, in between there, and all around it, there's a huge area called Siberia. It's mountainous in places, green, at the right latitudes. There's gotta be some freakin fantastic fishing in there, right?

There's just enough youtube type publicity to make me think I'm right.

You don't see it on "fly fishing lodge" brochures because, I assume, difficulty in getting there. But the OP said I have all the dough in the world and whatever dedicated transportation devices I wish.
"Blue Moon Expeditions is the exclusive provider of luxury overnight fishing expeditions in the Florida Keys, the Everglades, Marquesas and Louisiana.

From the mothership, anglers are afforded the opportunity to fish some of the most remote and productive waters in the continental United States. The 74' Blue Moon mothership has been specially designed to access the remote waters of the Everglades and Florida Keys, where anglers seldom frequent."
Midge22 wrote:
Patagonia or Mongolia. Be the hardest decision in my life.

Giant trout and Golden Dorado



Ya not sure i could make that decision. thank god i know ill never need to...

I agree with this right here. After attending the Fly Fishing Film Festival the past few years, seeing the Dorado and Taimen being caught, that would be one hell of a tough decision.