Identify the bugs



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
OK all you amateur entomologists - here's a couple for you to identify.

The pictures aren't the best clarity (I'll explain why later), but they both have two tails.

Both specimens were found on my front door today - I live four blocks from the Lehigh River. I'm purposely witholding the size of these bugs, but I will say they were nearly identical in size.

Have fun!


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These are guesses and don't yell if I'm wrong but

Top is a Paralip Spinner
Bottom is a dorthea sulfur

Both should be size 18
Poor pictures, can't see details like hind wings which are necessary for ID. Can't even tell number of tails on the 2nd, and size is unknown too. Not much to go on other than color.

Will say top one is NOT a paralep. 2 tails. Paraleps have 3.
Guess I'm holding back on too much info. I have no idea what the heck these things are, but I do have pics next to a ruler.

I see these things every year on my door - thousands of them. I just measured some hooks with the same size.

Believe it or not, they're both the same size as a sz 30 Tiemco 518 hook. :-o
Holy crap, you sandbagged us. 30, hey I have that size hook. :-D :-D
Like PC said, bad pics and no idea on size, but here's my guesses:

1st pic = paralep (with a broken off tail)

2nd pic = baetis (with no tails)

You Schnuckered us, Ed!!
Here's pics next to a ruler with the smallest markings being 1/16 inch.

Tiny little devils!

Left click on the pics, and they'll open in a new window. Left click on the new pic, and you'll get a better view...


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Just a guess, then.

1. Male Acentrella Turbida (previously Pseudocloen Carolina)

2. Not sure, maybe a female of the same bug. I'll throw in Procloeon (still within Baetidae family), everything looks right, but that tiny size is REALLY tiny, would be on the bottom end of their range for sure.
From just the color I'm guessing " HEBE" ( heptagenia hebe ).
Yeah, the more I look and think about it, most likely both the same species. Both Acentrella Turbida. Colors can vary quite a bit, but plain wing, 2 tails, and it looks like no hind wing. And in that size. There just aren't very many options.

1. Male spinner.
2. Female dun.
Foxgap239 wrote:
Holy crap, you sandbagged us. 30, hey I have that size hook. :-D :-D

That makes me squint.
i agree with pat, there is a myriad of small mayflies out there yet to identified. I have around 10 different ones I have to identify..