


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Around the bend.
Time for Fish commission to perhaps teach the citizens about trout. Looking through the trout in the classroom project our local chapter blogged, this is where the new fishermen/ women should be recruited from.
The problem is exposure and getting new fishermen/women out on the stream, than FC do your part get into the class rooms. This is your future. Pound down the doors of education recruit the teachers, push for schools curriculum, superintendents and then school boards.
Don't change the rules.
Perhaps turn the rule books that come with licenses an avenue to educate older fisherman that are out of school. Make it interesting instead of fish identification and rules turn it to the whys. clean water, respect the environment, and ways to help. Get the sports clubs of the state involved with these fisherman/women. Respect the fisherman/women they will support whole and make it better. Throwing darts at small problems lead to small changes. Put in the effort into bigger objective and things will really change. Give the shareholders perspective not pacification to the mob-mentality. FC changing rules leaded to less creditability when the rules need to be changed.
Creditability and integrity always lead to respect.
I got interested in Wyoming's Cutt Slam program- catching four of the states native cutts. You learn about about the states native fish - learn about their native range, characteristics. It was even exciting researching for the trip learning where and how to fish for them.

From that trip , I now want to learn and catch more native fish in the United states.

I think it would still be fun to pursue some sort of PA slam- weather it be a native brook trout , wild rainbow and wild brown. Or just consist of stocked rainbow, brown , tiger etc again, this might not appeal to the old salts of the fishing world but with relatively no cost or effort I think this program could be accomplished for educational and additional license sales purposes. Program would educate anglers about native vs wild vs stocked. Make people learn the different watersheds their in etc. Just a thought.

Hell, people got excited over a fishing button.
Good idea CRB.

I'm just so convinced that the fish commission is only focused on revenue generation to keep an ailing State agency going that they don't see themselves in that kind of role. They want to sell licenses. They are convinced the way to sell licenses is to make stocked trout easily available for everyone and anyone to to catch them. Perhaps on top of that is the promotion of the Erie steelhead fishery which is essentially fishing for very large stocked trout.

Wild trout and those who prefer to fish for them as well as fishing for species other than trout is not all that important to them especially when C&R is promoted. I think to them it's all about taking home your limit of 5 trout, 50 crappies or whatever you're in pursuit of.
When we look to a government entity for solutions we will only get prolonged problems. Sadly we cannot "recruit" anglers. Parents need to stop buying their 10 year olds iPhones, iPads, laptop computers and xBox's.

I have one friend that refers to his 11 year old son as an "inside kid." The kid is on some type of computer device 24/7 and he even has a jetpack so when they are out of the house the kid has full connectivity to his silly games. nothing like visiting family, friends, shopping or going out to dinner without having to sacrifice connectivity. The best part is how dad tells me how helpful it is in the job market because the military and others are copying the controller functions for other high tech things. I desperately want to tell him that it will lead to nothing but his kid living in his basement well into his 40's.

If you want to recruit more anglers than get out and take a kid fishing and stop looking to government to find a solution. If you have children severely limit their internet and electronic game playing. Big brothers and sister is a better entity than the PFBC