IBSP - late July

Dave_W wrote:
We should try to do a salt jam again there sometime in the near future.

I could be down for that. I suppose one of the difficult parts of planning it is that overlaps steelhead season to some degree. But boy, when stripers are "on" they really look like they're "on"!!!
birds and bait good sign something is there, that second pic with the hole in front would be a good place to work for fluke. i grew up down there fished that beach for 45 years
sandfly wrote:
birds and bait good sign something is there, that second pic with the hole in front would be a good place to work for fluke.

Yep - good eye - a seasoned surf fisherman!
Looking at the section of beach, I'd expect to find feeding stripers anywhere along there but they really like the suds and the rolling water in the foreground looks bassy.

The hole further out noted by Sandfly is also fishy. I'd expect blues to come over the sandbar and cruise along the beach-ward side of the bar (this is often where the water is deepest, right off the sandbar) noted by the red arrow.

For fluke, they could be anywhere too but I'd expect them in the middle of the hole and likely positioned even closer to the shore just under the small, final waves on the beach where I placed the black arrow.


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where you were standing I would have been casting in that video. most likely rain bait in there