
New member
Sep 9, 2019
Hi all, my name is Pat and I am doing research into improving the fly fishing marketplace. If you could answer the questions below I would greatly appreciate your input! Feel free to message me your responses if you would prefer. There are no right or wrong answers. I'm purely looking to hear your feelings and thoughts about your experience purchasing fly-fishing guide services.

Background Info: Okay, so to start us off, can you tell me a little about yourself....How old are you? What region do you live in? How often do you fish?

Question #1: Tell me about the last time you purchased fly-fishing guide services...

Question #2: What tools or services did you use to evaluate the guide before purchasing their services?

Question #3: Did you experience any problems in the purchase process?

Question #4: What could be done to improve the purchase process?

Thanks for the consideration. I look forward to hearing about your experiences!
I'm not much of a guide-using kind of guy, so I can't offer much help.

However, I bet a bunch of guys reading your post will have a couple questions as well.

Things like....

What is the purpose of your research?

You seem to be keying in on the purchase experience, not the guide or trip. Why just that part?

Are you thinking of starting, or already have, a business in this field?

None of this is meant to be confrontational or resistance, but I know I'm curious and I'd imagine others might be too.
Ok --in have purchased professional fly fishing guide services 4 times. I have been fly-fishing for > 35 years.

I look at it this way. When I fish with a guide I pick his brain continuously and am more interested in learning how to fish that particular water, style, or a particular species pthan catching fish. Never had a bad experience. It can shorten the learning curve immensely. Always considered it money well spent.
Hey there. Thanks for your response (and overall constructive tone). Really appreciate that.

I had a bad experience with finding a guide recently and thought to myself "there has to be a better way". My principal issue is this... I noticed the available tools to find guides lack transparency and confidence ....confidence in knowing what you are going to get. That's why I am keying in on the purchasing experience.

On the theme of transparency, I will tell you that I am toying with the idea of developing a marketplace app to solve this issue. The app would essentially be an AirBnB for guides complete with listings and reviews. I am asking these questions to validate the hypothesis behind the idea. I certainly would find value in such a product, but others might not. Getting people's feedback is a way to suss all that. Again, thank you for your response and constructive feedback. If any of this resonates with you, please help promote/share my questions. Thanks!
That's pretty much where I thought you were heading.

Again, as a non-guide kind of guy, I can't offer specifics.

But I do think that in today's world, where everything comes through your phone screen (for lots of people anyway), I could see a demand for something like that, if done right.

I'm borderline tech-illitetate, so I don't know what exactly would qualify as "good" in that field, but I wish you luck with your pursuit!
Guide service, like an insurance policy! fish or not catch any? I would guess you will catch plenty! Just finding your way? Most are afraid of the adventure by yourself. The biggest adventure starts with the "first step".

I am a little different kind of guy! Guide me to "what is mine". All I must do is find it!

Background Info: Okay, so to start us off, can you tell me a little about yourself....How old are you? What region do you live in? How often do you fish?

39. SE PA. Less often than I'd like. But every couple weeks I get out.

Question #1: Tell me about the last time you purchased fly-fishing guide services...

I've done so exactly three times. All three were out of country. I tend to be a DIY'er as much as I'm able. But the times I've hired guides have been primarily non-fishing trips out of the country. An area completely unknown to me, with laws completely unknown, trying to fit in a fishing trip that I don't really have time for. A guide can do the legwork for you. Twice were in Switzerland and I hired the same guide both times. He was excellent. Several calls in the weeks leading up to it, he tried to find out what kind of fishing I liked, and considered conditions, as well as my schedule and where I'm coming from and where I was going and how much time I had. Class A experiences all around. The other was in Ireland, and I wasn't too fond of that experience. He ignored what I liked and took me on his jon boat on the local lake.

I guess technically, if you include salt, I've hired more. But that ain't fly fishing. Couple of charters for tuna, wahoo, sailfish, dolphin, etc. But yeah, in the states, about the only way I'm hiring a guide is if I need a boat. Could see me doing a float trip on a big western river someday though.

If you included coastal charters, well, that's a much bigger market I think. There's consumer demand for a centralized app, I'd think. But the marina's generally handle all of that and take their cut from it. Letting the marina have that is required for the boat owners to get a slip in the marina without paying a lot more.

Question #2: What tools or services did you use to evaluate the guide before purchasing their services?

100% on their internet presence. A page with pictures and describing what he does.

Question #3: Did you experience any problems in the purchase process?

No. Though all wanted the native currency in cash, so had to exchange enough money. Exchange rates suck.

Question #4: What could be done to improve the purchase process?

Reviews would have been nice (that weren't picked out by the guide and highlighted on his own site).
Question #1: Tell me about the last time you purchased fly-fishing guide services...

I have hired guide about 12 times over the Last 20 years. Each time was because I was fishing new water on a trip. Guides shorten the learning curve in a new place.

Question #2: What tools or services did you use to evaluate the guide before purchasing their services?

Word of mouth, Recommendations of the wingnuts that populate this corner of the internet, booked through my local fly shop and reputation of the shop the guide works out of.

Question #3: Did you experience any problems in the purchase process?

None to date. With few exceptions all were CC Purchases.

Question #4: What could be done to improve the purchase process?
Guide reviews would be nice. However I think this market is a little small for a dedicated app for guide reviews. Every one of them is already on the internet. It is up to the fishermen out there to leave reviews. Google has business reviews. If you’re looking to charge a fee to the guide for the service good luck. There is not a lot of money in guiding to begin with.
I have never used a guide service so I cant help you there, however if your looking at the viability of app to facilitate the purchase of such services then you are asking the wrong questions or rather the wrong stakeholders.

You need to be talking to business owners/guides to see if they would even want to use the app to advertise their business.
Without their interest, you really don't have anything to sell.

There is a lot more that goes into this, but new businesses require a lot of cash to get started up, even ones that seemingly have no overhead.

There are always hidden costs like marketing, product development, customer acquisition, hosting fees, etc.

You appear to be a smart guy so maybe you have already thought about all of this. For what's its worth, I would use the app if I ever intended to hire a guide, I think anyone who knew what an app was, would do the same. I just think there is a lot more to it than that.
I'm not sure what you have in mind, but without downloading an app, and just using your phone, tablet or computer, one is able to pick a location and search a multitude of guide services and outfitters operations on Google or other search engines like this >

Bozeman FFing Guide Services

There are sites with reviews as well as websites explaining all about the fisheries, fishing, pricing, packages and services provided by the guides and outfitters.

Plus, there are forums and social media sites where one can ask others for reviews and relate their experiences using these guides, outfitters or lodges.

Just check out the travel section on this sites and you will see hundreds of threads and posts giving info for members looking to book a FFing trip. Many of the recommendations are made by trusted and/or experienced members and FFers that regularly visit on here.

I don't believe there is a better source than talking to someone that has fished the area and has had experience fishing with a guide or outfitter and/or staying at a lodge.

https://www.nzfishing.com/aboutfishinginnz/nzfishingwaters.htm FWIW: I refer people to this site if they are New Zealand bound. It doesn't have every Guide listed, but is a start. I checked web sites and recommendations. A plus is a Guides Association if they belong to any.
The Guides I've used there were really good. A key ,at least for me, is to communicate what I'm looking for from their service. Ie: Big fish, big water, smaller easily waded streams or even lake fishing . Reputation is the key. GG
If I were ever to hire a guide for fishing, here would be what I want to know, mostly in order of importance:

Where do you plan to take me fishing?
Do you have a plan B,C, and D?
How much do you charge?
Are there extra charges, like for how many flies I bum from you and what are those prices?
Do you expect a tip for good service?
Are there fish where you plan to take me?
Will you take me somewhere where the fish are most likely to be feeding, or does that cost extra?
Do you know enough about how to fish that listening to and following your instructions will make me improve as an angler?
If I don't seem to want your advice once you have me at the best possible place and time you could manage, are you able to STFU and let me fish?
Would you be willing to fish also, so I don't feel guilty for asking you to STFU?
And then I would hire the guide that answered mostly this way:

Where do you plan to take me fishing? If conditions are right, we will go to___.

Do you have a plan B,C, and D? Yes.

How much do you charge? Something reasonable.

Are there extra charges, like for how many flies I bum from you and what are those prices? No.

Do you expect a tip for good service? No. That is built into the fee. I expect to provide good service.

Are there fish where you plan to take me? Duh, yeah.

Will you take me somewhere where the fish are most likely to be feeding, or does that cost extra? That is always plan A.

Do you know enough about how to fish that listening to and following your instructions will make me improve as an angler? Yes.

If I don't seem to want your advice once you have me at the best possible place and time you could manage, are you able to STFU and let me fish? Absolutely.

Would you be willing to fish also, so I don't feel guilty for asking you to STFU? Yes, I would.
Purchase a guide service! I am not buying nothing! I do not buy a guide! I seek a person with knowledge of the area I am fishing. I seek someone I can relate to! Someone in the area that is sincere and honest! Oh! No problem, we will put your on a boat tomorrow with "bob". Be here at 6:00am. Well, who the hell is Bob and where is he now!

Prepare! Study! Know the area you are fishing and ask around. The best guides do not work at the tackle shops! Lets get it right here. Find the right person, you pack the lunch and drinks. You tell him where you would like to fish and come up with a plan "of attack". You will find that a friendship will occur for many years to follow. Buy a guide and your name is forgotten the next day!

I always liked northern Quebec! The guides had their ideas of what to use and I had my ideas. All the guides I ever used became buyers of my ideas. We became long time friends. So, when it comes to buying, I buy a hamburger but look for a long lasting partnership and friend.

fisherman over 50 years, 63 years old, fish at least 100 days a year!

Just a regular guy, regular in an irregular world!

maxima12 wrote:
Purchase a guide service! I am not buying nothing! I do not buy a guide!

The guides had their ideas of what to use and I had my ideas. All the guides I ever used...

Just a regular guy, regular in an irregular world!

Ironic? :)
If there is presently no app for this, then there is probably an opportunity.

There is an app for everything else.

You could call it FlyFishGuide or FlyGuide.

JackM wrote:
If I were ever to hire a guide for fishing, here would be what I want to know, mostly in order of importance:

Where do you plan to take me fishing?
Do you have a plan B,C, and D?
How much do you charge?
Are there extra charges, like for how many flies I bum from you and what are those prices?
Do you expect a tip for good service?
Are there fish where you plan to take me?
Will you take me somewhere where the fish are most likely to be feeding, or does that cost extra?
Do you know enough about how to fish that listening to and following your instructions will make me improve as an angler?
If I don't seem to want your advice once you have me at the best possible place and time you could manage, are you able to STFU and let me fish?
Would you be willing to fish also, so I don't feel guilty for asking you to STFU?

Great answer Jack. But be honest... If those were in order, wouldn't the third, fifth and forth be at the top of your list? ;-)

You know I'm joking and that I'd fish with you anytime provided there was a third person along with lots of flies.
I've used guides in Montana, Wyoming,and Alaska, and should of used a guide service when I was at Key West. Why did I use a guide, because I was vacationing and flew to those areas. What better vacation than have your wife enjoy the trip and you get a nice days fishing in. When using a guide you don't have to worry about fishing gear of finding fish. It can be expensive but if your already in Alaska a couple hundred more dollars to fish isn't a big expense. The last trip I was on a cruise in Alaska and booked a fly in Salmon fishing trip. Caught some nice Salmon and had a once in a lifetime experience.

I've never had a bad experience and was drift boat fishing on most of those excursions. The nicest trip my son guided me in Montana and I fished the Depuy spring creek. It cost a $100.00 a day to fish and they only allowed ten rods. I landed some 20 inch plus Browns on Grasshopper flies and saw some in the upper 20 inch range. Had two giants that broke my line.
Been flyfishing for almost 40 years. Normally I'm fishing many times in a year. Now that I'm retired, I'm looking at going many times a month. I travel all over Pa and Maryland to fish.

The last time I used a service was on the Green River in Wyoming. Had a great time and couldn't have done it without a guide.

I'm using a guide next Tuesday when I go to Utah. I'll use a guide when I go to unfamiliar waters, don't have a lot of time to fish and explore those new waters. Also, I would use a guide if they have a drift boat for waters because I don't.

All my experience have been good. Happy to see people make a career or a second job from something they enjoy so much.

The one thing I have learned in my life is there is always something to learn from others.

The questions are for people who have used a guide service. You should read the request. No need to make several posts all over the thread with opinions of something you never have used or clearly never will because your above it. Streameater is just looking for some help on some friendly information.

I think guides are great for the right situations for the right person.
