I Think I'm Losing it



Sep 26, 2011
So last night I was looking at my nymph boxes and just said well those suck. So I went through what was decent and stripped down the remaining flies for retying. So far I’m though the pheasant tails and brown nymphs and have a good head start on the olive hare’s ears. The question I pose is has this ever happen to you before.
I have a pile of flies on my bench that I plan to do this with. You are way ahead of me. I pulled them out of the box a month ago and they are still siting there.
Flies I tied when I first started tying, and thought they looked good, don't quit make the grade now.
I do keep a few around to gauge my progress.
I actually got started on that in early october but then had this great idea to build a fly rod instead. Just finished the wrapping and taking it today to get the wraps coated. So last night I even started to go through the ones I have retied and putting them back into the razor blade piles once again. Its gonna be a long winter here in Pa. and that means lots of time to tie so I figure what the hell you reuse the hooks and have a few cents in dubbing or whatever and it makes the ****** weather go by faster. Besides I can make them look a little better this year than I could last year so I think this will be a never ending process as long as I progress each year with my tying skills.
Yes except I don't even keep the bad ones, I store them away and sometimes give them out because they will still fish, but I found myself re-tying my nymph box all the time with new and sometimes "better" materials.

For example I tie all my nymph tails with CDL and bodies with turkey biots now.
quillfly wrote:
So last night I was looking at my nymph boxes and just said well those suck. So I went through what was decent and stripped down the remaining flies for retying. So far I’m though the pheasant tails and brown nymphs and have a good head start on the olive hare’s ears. The question I pose is has this ever happen to you before.

I'm with you on that.
On the infrequent occasion that I come across a nymph in my boxes, I usually think "that sucks" also

I do the same. I am a minimalist and I believe presentation over pattern is way more important. I make a list of 20 patterns (nymphs,streamer,dry) of goto simple confidence patterns in different sizes. that I know I will use at one time or another during the season. Anything that I didnt use or is a sloppy tye gets recycled and is axed from the list and something new will take its place.