I need help, I guess?

wsender wrote:
Sort of related.

But how are the 11ft versions of the CZN rod?

Really, really long. ;-)

They have a soft tip to protect tippet, and help keep the fish on. Not as versatile as the 10' 4wt, IMO. I may wind up with one if I don't pick up a Greys Streamflex 11' 4wt. I REALLY like that one.

Some situations really bode well for an 11'er. More reach, and keeping line off the water are mighty handy at times.
The 11ft greys has a lot of tip sag and to me felt sloppy. The 10 ft is a beast though one of the better rods out there for sure.
RowJimmy wrote:
The 11ft greys has a lot of tip sag and to me felt sloppy. The 10 ft is a beast though one of the better rods out there for sure.

It is that time of year, that I begin wanting one of these really bad.
SBecker wrote:
RowJimmy wrote:
The 11ft greys has a lot of tip sag and to me felt sloppy. The 10 ft is a beast though one of the better rods out there for sure.

It is that time of year, that I begin wanting one of these really bad.

Well hell, I have seen 15 come and go in the last year. Grab one on the way out. I have a 10' 4wt BIIIx you could buy cause it does 5% of things better than my 9' 4 wt BIIIx, and 95% of things worse.
I have been advised to hold off on the Greys 10fter till someone buys their 11ft. Told I would get a pretty sweet deal on it. A 10ft BIIIx is going to be a little to much money for me, when I will only use it in the winter. Heck, that is the only time I know I will nymph 99% of the time.
If you are getting into nymphing, may I suggest a wading staff? Unless you are fishing 4 ft wide streams that help out tons.
Been watching this thread but waited to jump in ‘cause I did not want to hijack it. Anyway, I have a similar situation and would like some advice. It’s our 40th wedding anniversary and my better half is after me to decide what I want. Think I decided on a 10 foot , 4 weight and have been looking at the Orvis Helios but then HA mentioned how much he liked the Cabelas CZN and the Streamflex, someone else mentioned the Cortland Brook. I have a Cabelas 2 piece 9’ for 5 weight and really like it but it gets heavy by the end of the day and packs too long for my car.
Guess my questions are:
Will an extra foot make much difference in fishing ? I fish Penns, Spring, Breeches, Clarks, and Little Lehigh both wet and dry?

There is quite a bit of price difference between the Helios and the rest of the rods, is it worth the difference?
Thanks for your help,
the 3wt 10' streamflex was an awful wet fly rod unless you're just calling nymphs wet flies and dreding bottom with them on a tight line, anyways.

why do you dred the bottom?

I'm a broken record on here....cast before you buy! I have never cast a 10' rod that handles all types of fishing (dries, wets, streamers and nymph) as well as a 9' foot rod. A trout weight 10' rod is great for nymphing but often falls short on other types of fishing. From your post, it sounds like you are looking for a more all-purpose rod and not a specialty one. Hard to beat a 9' 5weight as an all-arounder.

Congrats on you anniversary and good luck with any rod you choose.
I'll agree 100% with afish's opinion.

To be fair though, I've given the 10' 4wt Helios more than one "fly shop wiggle". Man, that sucker is light! Holding that Helios in a high stick/Euro nymphing position has to be easier than anything else. If it wasn't so expensive, I'd own one. I just can't justify spending that much on a rod that wouldn't be as good of an "all around" rod.

Hope I didn't give you a heart attack, Tom. ;-)
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Whole heartily agree, there is no way I’m gonna’ shell out that kind of money without casting the rod first, just looking to narrow the universe. Most of the fishing I do is either nymphs or dry. (I do carry streamers but feel that streamer fishing is like throwing a spinner and I only resort to them to avoid a skunk.) I do like my 9’ 5 weight and bought it to fish the Valdi worm (I’m polish as well) but it gets heavy by the end of the day. Depending on the water I’m fishing I could use it for Nymphs or a dry with a dropper but if the sulphers and or Tricos showed up I could switch and still be effective. Guess that's the same versatility I’m looking for with a longer, lighter rod. Believe I would also like something nice to pass on and although I was thinking about a split bamboo I just don’t want to go there. The search continues.

Thanks again,
Buff - If you're looking for a top quality long rod for nymphing, but want one that can throw dries effectively, this might be your best bet:


That rod is widely regarded as the best of the best for mixed Euro nymphing, dry fly fishing, and light streamer duty.

It's a bit easier on the wallet since they're on closeout.

do you own a native/wild freestone rod? Nothing compares to my 6'6'' rx7 2 wt. with a rod tip bend from a 15'' wild brown. or throwing tricos to 15 plus on marginal streams. Can still throw 50 ft. of line no problem with an 9 ft. leader w. smaller flies. It also throws size 12 wulfs w. a 7.5 ft. leader.

just throwing it out there.. i can get you one built for a very fair price (discounted because of reference and first time build). His wraps are clean as hell.



he'll build any rod u want and i can assure you, they all cast nice. I think the hype about casting a rod before so is a precursor for, dare i say this, below average casting. it's all about versatility and the ability to adjust your stroke accordingly to the rod.

send him an email saying halupka sent you and he will work w. what you want in a rod. pick out your own wraps and all. I got a jamaican wrap on the bottom of my 2 wt. that is just awesome.
Thanks again for you input
Steve, appreciate the offer and I’m sure that works for you but I think I’ll stick to an off the shelf model I can test drive at least for this buy.
HA, That Sage X-Axis got all good reviews on the web and it looks like Cabelas carries Sage. We are running down to Philly this weekend so I may go that way and see if they have any I can try.

Buff - The Z-Axis has been discontinued. It's replacement is the Sage "One". I highly doubt Cabela's has any 10' 4wt Z's in stock in the Hamburg store. Angler's Pro Shop buys up a ton of Sage's closeouts, and they have it in stock (last I checked).

They may have a 10' 4wt Sage One in stock - at a paltry $730. :-o
I see youv fished with Ben Turpin before. If i can suggest one thing,i mean you did say big ticket items as well, i suggest talking to ben about getting a custom rod from him. I have an 8 ft 4 wt custom from him and i love it. Best rod ive ever fished, and the first fish i caught on it was back in the last day in may, and was a 25 inch bow on a stream in the poconos. Great guy, great rod. If you wanna see the rod, heres the link to the rod, its still for sale on his website, but for everyone thats seen it, its sold to me :-D. http://benturpin.com/_/bt/ui/Index.aspx?tabid=528&cid=4&sid=7&ProductID=20&catDesc=Hand-made%20fly%20rods%20of%20the%20highest%20quality&tabindex=&a1=-1&a2=-1&a3=-1&a4=-1&oc1=False&oc2=False&oc3=False&ov1=Enter+your+info...&ov2=Enter+your+info...&ov3=Enter+your+info...
If you need any help or suggestions pm me- Kev
My suggestion is books as well. I really enjoy reading ff'ing books. Just finished Joe Humphreys trout tactics. Already made me a bit better. I just received wet flies by Dave Hughes. Seems good so far. If you are from pa, Charles meck's pa trout stream book is a must have. I will be getting the pennstate nymph book sometime soon as well. Hope this helps.
where do you find some of these books that are referred to here?

tell your parents that you would like to take a trip to calgary to fish the bow river or somewhere out in montana. make it a family trip...you and they will not regret it!

btw...don't forget to thank a veteran tomorrow.
I get all my books from Amazon. Good prices too!