I need help, I guess?



Mar 23, 2011
So, my birthday is coming up, and my parents asked me for a couple ideas for my birthday. Now this may sound greedy, so I'm sorry. But, I was wondering if you guys know of any neat things that you think I would be interested in. And since a lot of you don't know me that well, I'll give you a little background. I love tying flies, I will tie any fly you challenge to me, but my favorite flies to tie are nymphs. I am starting to get into czech nymphing because I'm trying to expand my horizons. I'm mainly a small-medium trout stream fisherman. If you guys want to know any background, let me know. Sorry if this is in the wrong place, or if I'm not allowed to post this. Thanks,

This. A 10' 4wt would be a good start.

I've fished that rod - it's very nice, and a good price. Even better deal if you can catch a coupon.
Wait, I'm confused. Are you looking for recommendations in fly tying supplies -- or in general?
I could give you the obviouse answer, but I might get yelled at. ;-)
If you're thinking about getting into czech nymphing, I'd have to agree with the rod choice. The 10fter's really do make a difference in control. They're great all around rods.

I love my Cortland Brook 10-4-4.
Just anything, fly tying, fly fishing, or just anything! could be apparel, etc. Just give me ideas :)
gaeronf wrote:
Just anything, fly tying, fly fishing, or just anything! could be apparel, etc. Just give me ideas :)

Here ya go - this.

After seeing the price, your Dad will beat feet to the Big C to buy you your new rod. :lol:

Aim high. Accept reasonable (or at least make it LOOK reasonable).

Seriously - and it might not seem like a good idea now, but how about cash? You could get what you wanted at the Symposium - and you WILL want stuff there.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
gaeronf wrote:
Just anything, fly tying, fly fishing, or just anything! could be apparel, etc. Just give me ideas :)

Here ya go - this.

After seeing the price, your Dad will beat feet to the Big C to buy you your new rod. :lol:

Aim high. Accept reasonable (or at least make it LOOK reasonable).

Seriously - and it might not seem like a good idea now, but how about cash? You could get what you wanted at the Symposium - and you WILL want stuff there.

Unfortunately, or maybe not, my birthday falls a week or two before the fly tying jam. But there will be a[n] (unsmart) withdraw from my bank account on the 18th.
jdaddy wrote:

Well, the leather jacket is a bit too much. And keep in mind, it's not my money. I'm a kid still, I get a couple presents and I figured you [and your creative juices] could fathom at least a couple of the plethora of options. I would say just mainly stuff under a hundred bucks, but some big ticket items are cool too.
At the risk of sounding a bit like a stodgy old teacher.....
How 'bout some good books(?)

A good old classic you'd enjoy would be Nymph Fishing for Larger Trout by Charles Brooks. A more contemporary book you'd no doubt like would be Nymph Fishing Rivers and Streams by Rick Hafele. Penn State Press has a new book out on nymphs and any book on the topic by Ernest Schweibert will serve you well.
When I was your age I just loved fishing books (still do) and still have many of my favorite oldies.
Go w/ the books. Gear is nice, but knowledge is power...or some crap like that.

Seriously though, I'd go w/ books.

A car. Money to a car. Some sort of car shaped device for when you can have a car in a year. Car.
I have gotten into CZ nymphing this year and I bought the rod tha HA told you about in his first reply. With a coupon, it is a great deal. It made a world of difference in my fish count using that rod compared to a 9' 4wt rod I use for most other things. You have a much better feel of the takes with that rod.
There are some good DVD's out about CZ nymphing too.
Well, for ff related gifts from my non ff family, I've settled on asking for gift certificates from a certain place. FFP is usually what I specify, which is cool with me. It's easy for everyone, they do an excellent mail order business which means its easy for them to get the certificate mailed, and easy for me to order from a distance and get it shipped.

Sometimes Cabelas, but I'm just as likely to use that for hunting/shooting or clothes as I am FF stuff.

What I've learned is that for a non Fly fisher, it is impossible for them to understand your needs. You can specify an exact item. However, the stuff we want is usually only found a few specialty FF stores and they have no clue how to go about finding that. They're not gonna find it at ****'s or Walmart. And when they don't find it or find that it's kind of pricy, they substitute something else that they see as the same, but is in no way, shape or form the same to us.

I'm particular about my equipment. My tastes aren't necessarily expensive but they are specific. I'd rather do the shopping myself.
Just a thought, and largely a tangent off of pcray's post a bit...

Shopping for my gear is half the fun IMO, and yes, I am particular about my gear too. At least once a year, but often twice, I will take a whole day off of work, get up early and go to Cabelas in the morning. I'll spend several hours in the store, taking my time, just looking at stuff and enjoying the non-weekend crowds. I usually make a full lap of the fishing/fly fishing section first just looking before I put anything in my cart or basket.

So I usually like to ask for gift cards too...just tend to work out the best for all involved. My side of the family is fine giving/receiving gift cards, but they don't fly as well on my wife's side of the family. I tried to branch out a little this year and gave my wife the suggestion of a new small stream rod for Christmas this year. Granted...I sent her an email with the exact webpage of the model and specs I wanted, but still, I'm trying at least...

In your case, a gift card/certificate to wherever it is you buy your gear may be a good option though. You could suggest to your parents that you make a day of it...they go shopping with you for your gear, get lunch, etc. I'm sure they'd appreciate the day with their son and you'd get exactly what you want and get the satisfaction of picking it out yourself and using the gift card as you see fit.

Just my $.02 worth of perspective, but hope it helps a little. Let us know what you end up getting!
My wife is VERY good with gifts. Her mantra is "a good gift is something the person wants but would never justify buying on their own." So she watches throughout the year at things I ogle (with no intention to buy). But she also understands my specific tastes, knows she can't understand all of the details and how they affect the gift, and lets me do the choosing.

Examples that I've gotten from her include my Dreamcatcher boo rod and the Richardson, among others.

In all cases, she took an in between approach, specifying what it was for but leaving the details to me. For instance, with the boo rod, she paid the maker, and in the box I recieved there was no rod. Instead, it was a hat, t-shirt, and a note from the maker explaining the situation and saying to meet with him to test various rods and discuss what I wanted him to make for me.

With the Richardson, it was a gift certificate to FFP, and she not only gave one to me, but got her parents to do the same, so a combined gift. She told me it was for a Richardson, so that's what I was to use it for. I was not permitted to use it for replacing waders or tying materials or anything boring like that. But the different models, number of trays, foam vs. compartments, brand of floatant I use, and all of those other little details were beyond her ability to make intelligent decisions for me, so I could go and choose all of that.

I ended up with EXACTLY what I had always wanted but could never justify, and exactly to my specific tastes.
Sort of related.

But how are the 11ft versions of the CZN rod?
wading jacket if you don't own one

discounted wicking material such as capilene 3 for cold months.