I have a choice and need YOUR opinion



New member
Feb 18, 2013
I have a choice for a free fly line with my new TFO BVK. I have scientific angler, rio, or cortland that I can choose from. What is the best for my new 5 weight for over-all performance in every category of fly fishing for trout.
All the companies are fine but without knowing exactly what model its hard for us all to tell you. And depending on what style(floating, sinking, etc) then you will want a different taper. I know theres alot of information we could throw at ya but IMO get a floating line from any of the companies and you shouldnt be disappointed. I bought rio and cortland lines this year and both were great. I also got the sharkskin from SA but did not use it yet.
Thanks a bunch...
For that rod you want the SA Mastery Series GPX. It's specifically made for rods like the BVK.
What Jason said.