I fully understand how HA, Fox, JT, DD, etc feel



Active member
Mar 22, 2012
When they see a begineer/newbie get their 1st fish on a fly rod.

My oldest and dearest buddy used to golf with me all the time. Met him at the LL and I didnt fish much but explained a lot that I have learned from you guys and put him in the spots where I thought there would be fish ... and he got one.

Having some beers at the Tilted Kilt (how did I not this place existed) ... great day

Sorry I missed it. Especially the Tilted Kilt part- sounds fun. Poor me.

You have to put the hours in, and getting someone else a fish is sometimes as good as getting one yourself...sort of.

Glad you had a great day!
Congrats, Andrew!

It's a feeling you can't give a proper description to, isn't it?

Way to go, Andrew!

One of the best ways to bolster your own knowledge is to teach others.

While it IS a great feeling to share the moment of someone else's first fish on the fly, remember that you're benefitting from the experience as well. Win/win situation.

Sounds like your golfing buddy just became your fishing buddy. ;-)
That would be cool. :cool: Congrats on putting him on fish, you the man.
I just LOVE talking friends who are just starting into trout , i mean talkin them the whole way through the cast , where the fish is , where to land the fly , mend , get ready , THERE YA GO!!!!!! just love doin that and the feeling can't really be put into words. Way to go Stag!!!!!!
Yep to all of this and I think I was more excited then him when his indicator went under and he hooked. Per HA .. spot on in ur assessment as I found myself explaining a lot to him that I sometimes forget while on the H2O by myself.

Great day for Stags and hope to get him out again soon.
Hah ... maybe he's "hooked'. In 3 weeks he's gonna be laid up for a month with minor surgery on his knee. He told me abt this prior to our outing and he said he's gonna try to get as much golf in as possible b/ he may not be able to play until the fall, if that. Got a text this AM

Him: Fish?
Me: When?
Him: When ever but sooner then later.
etc ..

Good stuff
Great feeling when things go as anticipated! Hopefully you've got him off golf and on the stream with ya!

Nice job!
HA wrote:

Sounds like your golfing buddy just became your fishing buddy.

So I took him out again a few weeks ago and he enjoyed himself again. Last week he was begging me to go out this weekend but time, lack of, on my part wouldn’t allow it.

He calls me Sunday AM and tells me he and one of his buddies want to fish and he asks if he should go to the LL or the Jim Thorpe area. I asked him what type of fishing he was interested in and after he told me I sent him to the Evening Hatch to ask questions abt the area as I don’t have much knowledge on that area and wasn’t home to do some research for him.

Long story short … he is somewhat ‘hooked’, tho being single w/ no kids he has enough time to not have to choose btwn fishing and other activities. Ystrday he purchased his first fly fish outfit and is itching to go out with me this week sometime.
As a newb, I think what is way more amazing than catching a fish, is the lengths people will go to, to help you out. Something like telling me what fly are you fishing, then giving me 3 or 4 when I say I don't have any is something that is kind of unique in todays world. It might seem like a little thing to some of you, but at least some newbs really notice and appreciate the effort.
Almost like teaching others now more than catching....ALMOST ;-)
One of the things I enjoy most about FF is how it brings together people of all ages, backgrounds and social strata. FF is a vehicle that bridges many differences that could otherwise keep us isolated.

I'll always remember my fist time FF by myself last year. It was a very frustrating day in which I spent 95% of the time untangling my line. The other 5% was pulling flys out of trees. I was also using completely inappropriate flys for the conditions and time of year. A young guy about 16-17 who obviously knew what he was doing kept glancing at me and finally walked over. I thought he was about to have a good laugh at my expense until he just smiled, handed me a couple zebra midges and said "Don't worry- it gets better!"

That is the essence of why I FF.
Amen to that. A nice tight knit community feel makes any sport 10x better in my opinion. It only gets better in sports where more danger is involved sometimes. The boating community for example always blows me away. Don't know how many times I've dumped my kayak and swam only to witness 3 or 4 complete strangers peal out of an eddy to come to my rescue without even thinking about it.

I was just gifted about a dozen flies by a buddy who ties all his own. We were just shooting the breeze about FF and he must have felt bad when I showed him what I'm working with out there. It got to the point where I closed my box and said enough already man, followed by thank you about a thousand times over.

Also the guy that taught me how to surf fish on my first outing promptly stripped all the mono from my new rod and replaced it with like 50 bucks worth of braided spiderwire. That blew me away as well.

I pay back the karma where I can. Was on a skiing website talking about FF and mentioned I broke a crosswater 5wt above the handle. Some kid from the catskills PMed me about buying the section above that as he also broke his crosswater. After confirming it was the same rod I shipped him out my piece and wouldn't even let him pay or cover shipping. Earned myself a fishing buddy if I ever make it up to the hills of NY again.

I think much of this is due to a common appreciation for the great outdoors and respecting those that feel the same.