How's Muddy Creek Fishing?



Jan 28, 2007
I understand that Muddy Creek was stocked mid-October. Anyone fish it? Successfully? Suggested flies? I assume small is the key as in midges?
Hi Gene,

Last week I had some luck with streamers and PTs and pink worms. We haven’t had a hard frost yet so beetles and ants might produce where fish are rising.

Good luck
Hi Gene,
I fished Muddy four times in the past two weeks. Three times in the fly fishing only section and today in an open water section. I caught 20, 15 and 9 fish in the fly section 3/4 were rainbows the rest were browns. Several rainbows and 2 browns were in the 15 inch range. I lost a fish over 18 inches, had him at my feet in shallow water, reached for my net, and he got back out in the fast water and broke me off. Today I caught 11, 10 browns and 1 rainbow. One brown was a heavy 18 inch fish and a few were 14 to 15 inches. The rainbow was 14 inches and was really colored nicely. Several of the Browns appeared to be wild fish 8 to 11 inches.
The only thing I used was an olive bugger with a pink worm as a dropper. I was catching fish most of the time so I didn't change. In the fly section probably 2/3 were caught on the bugger. Today all but one was caught on the worm. I think the water was colder today and they seemed to be less aggressive. The other days they seemed to chase the moving bugger more aggressively. The water is low and clear.
Good luck if you go.



  • Mo's Muddy Box.JPG
    Mo's Muddy Box.JPG
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Have you explored the South Branch of Muddy?
I am not that familiar with the creek. Many years ago I helped the chapter float stock and one of the members told me about the section downstream and how beautiful it is. I went there this spring and I was not disappointed. The pine trees on the bank and boulders in the water make it feel like you might be in a wilderness out west! I am talking about the stretch that starts 2 bridges down from the special regs section. I don't know where the South Branch is but I do like to explore. Please advise.
MD_Gene wrote:
I am not that familiar with the creek. Many years ago I helped the chapter float stock and one of the members told me about the section downstream and how beautiful it is. I went there this spring and I was not disappointed. The pine trees on the bank and boulders in the water make it feel like you might be in a wilderness out west! I am talking about the stretch that starts 2 bridges down from the special regs section. I don't know where the South Branch is but I do like to explore. Please advise.

Mo took us (DaveW and I) on a tour of Muddy Creek last winter below the SR section.

I've never fished it before and found it to be a really nice creek to fish. Plenty of access and room to fish, some really good looking water, and also pretty remote with some nice scenery.

Dave W did his usual macro sampling foray in the riffs and came up with a varied amount of bugs in his net.

The stream relies nearly 100% on stocked fish, but I'd rate it as one of the nicest stocked streams to fish anywhere in PA.

Also, I learned about the tombstones and oyster rocks there from Mo......interesting stuff.
KGStine wrote:
Hi Gene,
I fished Muddy four times in the past two weeks. Three times in the fly fishing only section and today in an open water section. I caught 20, 15 and 9 fish in the fly section 3/4 were rainbows the rest were browns. Several rainbows and 2 browns were in the 15 inch range. I lost a fish over 18 inches, had him at my feet in shallow water, reached for my net, and he got back out in the fast water and broke me off. Today I caught 11, 10 browns and 1 rainbow. One brown was a heavy 18 inch fish and a few were 14 to 15 inches. The rainbow was 14 inches and was really colored nicely. Several of the Browns appeared to be wild fish 8 to 11 inches.
The only thing I used was an olive bugger with a pink worm as a dropper. I was catching fish most of the time so I didn't change. In the fly section probably 2/3 were caught on the bugger. Today all but one was caught on the worm. I think the water was colder today and they seemed to be less aggressive. The other days they seemed to chase the moving bugger more aggressively. The water is low and clear.
Good luck if you go.

Gotta be the hat...
Bought a Paflyfish hat from Maurice several weeks ago. Best fishing ever, since I started wearing the hat, but it seems to be losing its charm.