How would a flyfisher know you were a flyfisher if they walked in your house.

You would not have to go in Daddy O house before knowing he is a FF. Just look on his car/van they all have a bumper sticker on. Hence the reason I now browse this sight.
Well, looking around here they would have look pretty hard. I have a net/fish woodcarcing onthe wall. Thats about it now. except for a wood flyreel cloock on my computer desk.

My flytying room where all my garb was has been packed up and moved into the storage room to make room for the 16 yr olds lair. Of course the garage has a corner with rods and fishing gear but even thats camoflaged with the youngsters sporting gear bags.

Sometimes I leave a little lying around but it is quickly "organized" by the misses only to be found months later.

Oh woe is Moe

This thread reminds me, my wading shoes are still on the front step. There are pictures of me at Yellowstone National Park everywhere, and our bathroom is decorated in fihing wallpaper.
It's pretty obvious in my case...

Vise on the kitchen table, w/ half-tied mystery creation in its jaws
Saddles on the "study" desk
Bins of materials strewn in the living room
Rod on the couch, ready to go
Waders drying in the bathtub
Sage poster above the bed

Can ya tell that I live alone?
I just realized the most obvious one...maybe I missed it but I'm surprised no one else mentioned it either...Bathroom reading material. All someone has to do is use the bathroom in my house and they will see the magazines in the basket.
tomgamber- ditto on the Literature
Because they would immediately notice the ex-wife took all of the furniture and other home decor.

(Except those related to flyfishing)
Reading these you can really tell who is single and who is not. If it was not for my wife I would revert back to a neanderthal in a matter of weeks.