How to keep fly tyers Z ment bottle cap from sticking?


Active member
May 3, 2021
The cap on my head cement gets gunked up and won't twist off.

I tried using dubbing wax around the threads, but that wears off. Its a good idea, but you have to keep reapplying it.

Anyone have any head cement storage hacks? Should I use a specialty bottle instead of the one it comes in?

Thanks for any help or suggestions.
I assume that stuff is a cyanoacrylate, same as most super glues. That being the case, one thing I've done is to clean the threads thoroughly with acetone or a good nail polish remover. Then once you get them clean, try to remember to clean any glue off your nozzle or the threads after use. This should help some, anyway. The issue isn't always completely avoidable, but you can minimize it in this way.
Other than RLeep2's suggestions, for CA you might want to try a LIGHT coating of Vaseline on the threads, reapply the wax each time you use it or bag the idea of CA for coating fly heads if that's its purpose on your fly tying bench.

More traditional head cements are more forgiving than CA in regards to gunked up threads, especially with the frequent use that occurs if you are using Z-Ment for what I assume is its intended purpose versus as an adhesive.

Good luck!
I just use a pair of pliers to open mine then I screw it open and closed a few times to loosen the hard glue up then I go in with a bodkin and clean out the threads