How to catch stocked Rainbows?

With stocked rainbow trout they will eat anything that catches there attention. Fish dont have hands, so they need to put it in there mouth to figure out what it is. This is why when you "show them something new" it works.

Good flies for this purpose of attention harnessing, would flashbacks such as this

U.V. Diamond scud

Hands down though the ultimate rainbow fly is the Infamous Pink Worm
+1 for IPW
hmm nvr the the IPW but i wight try it wit some orange ice dub......
Oooough, no ice dub....just hot orange fur. Don't go junkiun up the IPW man.
what do you mean then by hot orange fur, like what fur. I am new to tying flies

Just get some bright orange dubbing and wrap a little under the san juan worm. It's a junk fly a guy I know came up with. It rocks when I use it. Sepecially on rainbows. And Steelheads...but don't tell anyone.
k thanks, i have never heard off this pattern and will tye a few up. I was really surprised how well san juans work, and how so many people nock em.
Whats your fav Orange dub? thanks
aint picky, orange, bright orange, buy, tie, fish, catch.
ok thanks for your help i will be trying it in a few week for the stockies.
Crane Flies in season, which is up until the end of November.