How To Article: Drop Shot Rigs

Marc Fryt

Marc Fryt

New member
Jun 5, 2022
Spokane, WA
With run off in full force it can be discouraging to show up to the river and see it swollen with high, fast water. But, the trout are still down there feeding, and it just takes a little modification to your nymph fishing to get your flies into the right zone.
The drop shot rig is an effective tactic to use during these conditions and could help you to connect with a couple fish. Check out the article below on how to set up a drop shot rig, because having this knowledge in your back pocket might just save the day the next time you find yourself fly fishing during high water:

How To Set Up A Drop Shot Rig

great article... here`s an easy way to add a dropper.....
great article... here`s an easy way to add a dropper.....
Thanks for that video, definitely looks efficient and I'm going to give it a try out on the river!