how to add pictures to a post



New member
Feb 3, 2010
Looking for information on addind picture to a post.
I have the inages on Photo bucket as well as local.
any help will be great.
Check out the link Love2fish posted.

In short, You CANNOT add photos when using quick reply. You have to hit Reply and then use either the photo upload at the bottom of the text editor or use the photo manager at the top (orange icons).

Each of these options will upload the photo to this site and embed the picture in the post or add it to the bottom.

You can link to other sites as well through the blue icon at top too. It is recommended to use the site buttons rather than just copying URL's into your text. Especially when linking to URL's from this site which include punctuation that is not digested well and creates broken links or misdirected outcomes.
Remember you have to lowercase the IMG link for photobucket. IMG=img
SBecker wrote:
Remember you have to lowercase the IMG link for photobucket. IMG=img

See this is what I am talking about....use the GD photo upload software in the reply part of the site. It takes care of all that stuff including the size, margin blowing and all the code errors created by he folks who think they are web gurus.

Here is a clue.....someone already wrote the code for this function. Use it!
Maurice wrote:
SBecker wrote:
Remember you have to lowercase the IMG link for photobucket. IMG=img

See this is what I am talking about....use the GD photo upload software in the reply part of the site. It takes care of all that stuff including the size, margin blowing and all the code errors created by he folks who think they are web gurus.

Here is a clue.....someone already wrote the code for this function. Use it!

Wait what? How do you upload a photobucket picture into the photo upload?
test - switched back to old version photobucket, small pic

If this works, I'm back in business?

SBecker wrote:
Maurice wrote:
SBecker wrote:
Remember you have to lowercase the IMG link for photobucket. IMG=img

See this is what I am talking about....use the GD photo upload software in the reply part of the site. It takes care of all that stuff including the size, margin blowing and all the code errors created by he folks who think they are web gurus.

Here is a clue.....someone already wrote the code for this function. Use it!

Wait what? How do you upload a photobucket picture into the photo upload?

You don't you use the little orange button above the text editor. Next to the "image manager" Two away from the smiley face. :)
I just copy and past the IMG code and lowecase the img, the same as SBecker. Easy and it works in quick reply. Don't have to mess with all the buttons.
like this


  • photo posting instructions.jpg
    photo posting instructions.jpg
    55.4 KB · Views: 8 is a spoon. Feed me
SBecker wrote: is a spoon. Feed me

Or "Here is a way to keep from having to answer a question repeatedly"

I imbed buttons in buttons in spreadsheets for this reasons and because I can automate a process.

Just sayin'
The bridge will be there
test photo upload


  • Tan Elk Hair Caddis2.jpg
    Tan Elk Hair Caddis2.jpg
    58.2 KB · Views: 8
Well that didn't work...I'll figure it out on the am
To post a pic from a jpeg file stored in your PC, you can click on the "Choose File" button near the bottom to the right of the "Attach file" section.

A window will pop up from your computer to search folders for the pic.

Click on the jpeg pic file and click on "upload".

The name of the pic file will pop up if it's < 250k.

Just hit "Submit" to post.

The pic will appear on the bottom at the end of the text.


  • cavt4b79e52d6cd71.jpg
    3.4 KB · Views: 6

Select the link marked "direct" then use the image tool above to place the proper codes around the url:


OK, looks like you got it.

test pic post with an ipad. my puter took a crap. :-(