How one man has found both loneliness and salvation in fly-fishing



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014

Mark Engler is a lifelong fly-fishing and backcountry guide who lives just outside of Durango, Colorado. As a kid, he told his mother that his dream was to go hunting or fishing every day for the rest of his life. Now, a new short film from YETI Coolers released Monday is examining the effects, both negative and positive, that have come from his relentless pursuit of that dream:
“What fishing and hunting did for me was it allowed me to forget about all the pain I was going through physically,” 51-year-old Engler told GrindTV. “Growing up, I had a horrific problem with psoriasis, which was very painful. I spent gobs of all my young years in the hospital, and I didn’t have many friends. I developed a shyness and an insecurity of being around people, so being alone in the wilderness relieved me of that.”
Engler said that when he found out he had a knack for fly-fishing, he became hooked — no pun intended. He dove headfirst into life as a fly-fishing guide, leading tours more than 200 days out of the year, and eventually developed what is known as the WD-40 fly, which is renowned for how effective it is in catching trout.
“I never wanted to get divorced. I always wanted to find a life partner to hang out with and accept me for who I was, and that didn’t work out,” Engler said of his three ex-wives. “I tried to make it work with all three of my wives; I tried to make my dream and being with them work. I made sacrifices while I was with them; I didn’t go hunting and fishing as much as I really wanted to.”
Still, the strain of being in a relationship with a partner who was constantly away in the backcountry was too much for his ex-wives to handle. And while it might seem like Engler is quick to defer the blame for those failed relationships on his partners, he readily admits that pursuing his passion has been an obvious cause for his divorces.
“I think you could look at it as me being selfish, for sure,” said Engler. “Having a partner that’s away from home in the wilderness all the time — there aren’t a ton of people who can find someone to make that relationship work.”
Now, at age 51, Engler said he has given up on trying to find a soulmate. He doesn’t try to date or meet new women, and admits that he has “given up on the idea that I will find anyone who wants to be with me.”
While coming to that conclusion might seem lonely or depressing for some, as a
man who has suffered from social anxiety and insecurity for much of his life, Engler said it has been freeing.
“I’m as happy now as I’ve ever been,” said Engler. “I’ve matured to the point where I realize a romantic relationship is not happening and I understand that. I can still do what I love and have friendships with the people I guide.”
When asked if he had any regrets, or if he thought his devotion to fishing has hurt his personal life, Engler was quick to dismiss the notion.
“No way,” he said. “Fishing and hunting have been my saviors. If I didn’t get to spend my time outdoors, I might have gone crazy a long time ago.”

"I have a pretty intimidating mullet" haha.

Cool video!
Little bummed - when I saw the title and who posted it I thought Kray had finally published his autobiography. lol

Seriously - really cool video. Happy that fly fishing has been able to help Mark deal with his personal troubles. Also so glad to have found a wife that has never once complained when I say, "I'm going fishing tomorrow."
Thats a compelling story. As a single man who enjoys the wilderness and of course fishing, I can identify..... Perhaps Engler just needs to find a woman who loves to do what he does, that is, if he wants to.
One of the more interesting posts I've read on here. Every lifestyle has its consequences. Good to hear a story that presents it honestly.
good post, I like the video.
fine aproach to the life.
3 wifes, who is counting? count the hooked fish, that's what matter!


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McSneek wrote:
Little bummed - when I saw the title and who posted it I thought Kray had finally published his autobiography. lol

lol ...

enjoyed the post and video
lowkey wrote:
Thats a compelling story. As a single man who enjoys the wilderness and of course fishing, I can identify..... Perhaps Engler just needs to find a woman who loves to do what he does, that is, if he wants to.

if april vokey is available i have dibs
Hah, Stagger, that's funny. She is a looker....Don't give up hope, dreams can come true! ;)
Good post! I can relate left the perfect job in Cranberry Pennsylvania, house, and wife to go out west from 2011-2013 just to guide. I was home in the off season but you really can't get a good job again for 4 months telling an employer I'll be gone by March. It worked the first two years a lot of phone calls, then the third year she was gone. On number 3 now!
I started reading the longest silence by McGuane and early on he describes the difference between loneliness and solitude of trout fishing. Great video
Read "A Good Life Wasted" 20 years as a fly fishing guide. Great story really tells what it's like to commit a life to fishing.
I can relate. Not on the same scale, but the same idea. I came to the conclusion 15 years ago that I didn't want to have kids or get married so I would be free to do what I want. Had a great girl for 10 years. Told her up front that I didn't want marriage or kids and she was cool for 10 years. Then the ultimatum came. I have been single for 3 years.