How old must they be



Active member
Apr 13, 2020
I was wondering if there is a 'Best Age' to introduce kids to fly fishing or if I should wait until they ask. I'm mentoring two-four grandkids with spinning gear and they are learning slowly but happily. One is thirteen and is now independent or at least self-tending. I was thinking about a spawning site locally that has a million Gills there at once in about 2-3 weeks. I was thinking that may be a nice way to get them to feel the tug and better understand the goal and other principles.
13 is definitely old enough for fly fishing for spawning bluegill. Kids less than 10 years old are not generally, in my experience, old enough to have either the interest level or focus to fly fish in a manner that will lead to a real interested in the sport. Yes there are some very young kids that will be able to handle it and do well but....

Most importantly, let them make the first move and don't pressure the grand kids into fly fishing. That includes not constantly asking them if they want to try it. Expose them to it and let them decide if they are interested.
hey Penn thanks. Kinda what I was thinking but needed a comfirming nod, thanks for that. They all want to fish generally so I'm sure at least some will want to convert to the dark
I also think 13 is the best age to teach them fishing. I have two nephews that are under 10 years old but are already interested in fishing. They want to try fishing but I keep telling them theyre not old enough. But when they reach 13 someday, Im probably going to give them a fishing rod for kids on their birthday.
Good Job Jim. You can't give a push-button reel to a 13 year old though. They'll be embarrassed in front of their friends. I have to laugh at that because I couldn't resist buying myself one this year and I'm glad I did after 55 years.
Just bought my 6 yr old Granddaughter a spinning combo.
Good Job Jim. You can't give a push-button reel to a 13 year old though. They'll be embarrassed in front of their friends. I have to laugh at that because I couldn't resist buying myself one this year and I'm glad I did after 55 years.
Just bought my 6 yr old Granddaughter a spinning combo.
You mention 13 is the best age to "teach them". I agree that it would be somewhere around there, 12-13 but I'm fishing with them already but I do all the work including finding them fish.
I had my granddaughter catching fish on beetles at age 10.
That worked because plopping the fly down is OK to do with terrestrials
Hey hey......I still Plop all my flies, lol.
Depends on the kid I would say. I think my boy was 12 when I took him out on with a fly rod. He had been fishing since he was old enough to hold the rod and probably before that with my help.
Today I think I permanently indoctrinated 4 grand children to the world of fishing. I lined up a visit with a farm pond and we fished and fished. 3 adults, 4 Kids. It was just pre-spawn. Only one fish was under 8" with the majority being 9" or more. BTWN the 7 of us we caught 88 fish. Many Bass up to 16" and Perch up to 15". What a day. We kept none except photos.


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Bluegills as big as your head!

I wish I could find a farm pond like that near me.

I have previously Never seen sizes as consistent as those in this pond, Perch as well. We caught many Bass from 12-16" and as nice as that was the 9-10" bluegills fought more aggressively. I the fall I'll take some for dinner.


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I would say when a child is able to comprehend the art of fly fishin. If they (the child) can hold interest in any subject matter for longer than 30 minutes you should be able to expose them. And take them when the weather warms up enough to where multi species of fish are biting. I have hooked sunnies only to allow some child on the bank to reel them in. It's pretty awesome to see their eyes light up with excitement.
Bingo Penn!
These kids are hooked for sure.