How much would this cost?



Jun 30, 2015
So I recently helped a buddy of mine catch some trout on nymphs. To help him with this, I rigged him up with tandem nymphs (a Frenchie with a soft hackle dropper) under an indicator and gave him some pointers on how to get a drag free drift. I was happy that the trout were cooperative so that he could have his best day ever using nymphs...

When we returned to our cars, he asked me if I could tie him some flies that were pre-rigged as tandems and that he would pay me to do so. Now, know that I am a self-taught tier (books and the internet) and I laughed out loud at the idea of him paying me for flies. He insisted - to which I said that he could just pay for the hooks if he had to pay something.

I tie flies for the enjoyment of it, not for selling them, and in truth, I would prefer that he just accept the flies them as a gift.

His insistence on paying me got me wondering though...

What would something like this run for? I have 16 sets of pre-rigged droppers, the top flies patterns are weighted and have been chosen because each has some sort of flashiness. The bottom flies are all non-weighted soft hackle patterns.

They are all pre-rigged with 4lb Seguar fluorocarbon tied onto the bend of the top fly to each bottom fly. They are secured in a piece of foam that that I have cut to a size so that the foam will fit perfectly in an accompanying clear plastic pencil case to protect the flies.

I am WAY too slow of a tier to ever be interested in tying flies to sell, but I am just curious what you think something like this would sell for in a shop. I am merely asking out of curiosity.


  • Nymph Tandem Rigs 6-11-16 R2.png
    Nymph Tandem Rigs 6-11-16 R2.png
    172 KB · Views: 6
Even if nymphs were only 1.75 a piece it would be close to 60 dollars. Which I often find some shop flies to be more than that and also you pre rigged them all so some sort of convienence fee would come into play. You're looking at quite the penny for that little set up in my opinion.
Full retail at a fly shop would be well over $60.

If I sell flies to friends that insist, it's a buck a piece. However, I'd rather have that person drive to the fishing spot or buy me a beer after fishing.
Thanks for the input. I was kind of thinking that it would be in the $50 plus range. I realize that in many places flies run about $2.00 a piece, and that there would be a cost for the tandem rigging and case, but I guess I am too much of a cheapskate to believe that a shop might charge over $60 for this... But I guess shops might/would.

Thanks again.
IMO (which is worthless but I want to give it anyway...)
The cost of the flies
Double the cost of the spool of line
Double the cost of the box. (if you are talking about an inexpensive craft store pencil case. It could potentially be slightly less.)
Double the cost of the package of foam. (another thing that could have a lower markup)
And an inconvenience tax of a dollar per rig.
So somewhere just over a $100.

Personally I would get annoyed at having to tie droppers on after a while. I believe most shops would show you how for free, especially if you bought a spool from them. If it became a habit it would have to worthwhile. It just seems like the sort of thing you should be able to do yourself after 2 or 3 outings.
MKern wrote:
Full retail at a fly shop would be well over $60.

If I sell flies to friends that insist, it's a buck a piece. However, I'd rather have that person drive to the fishing spot or buy me a beer after fishing.

My sentiments too. It's not about making a profit, but rather giving them a gracious way of paying me instead of politely arguing.
If you really just want to tie for relaxation etc...figure the cost of hooks, beads, etc and charge him cost...probably have $15-20 in hooks and if you used tungsten...let's just say your a good friend and like most of us, don't mind helping folks out with fly gifts...

I always appreciate it when someone is willing to swap some flies that are working or look good on the water...

Don't forget the cost of tools just like any other profession they cost the most.