how many of each

The amount of flies i tie depends completely on how much beer I am drinking while doing it and what sport is on the tv while tying. I enjoy a relaxed time at the vice for the most part. I used to tie in a production mode like some guys are mentioning, but it took the enjoyment out of it for me. And i could never sit still for four hours to tie, about two is max for me and i need to start doing something.
Fly Fred Ever see the 90sec. Pheasent tail Nymph...
Fly tying isn't a Job or a chore for me depending on the Pattern and technique used Between 3-8 an hour. Unless its the Clipper (dobson fly larve) i use i the Susky. They take me 45-60 min. each and if i do fire one out in a half hour (and it doesn't get the razor) i don't have the patince to do another one for a little while.
Yes I have seen that video and I have also seen the ones where they tie to music like the theme song to the lone ranger tv show,and keep time to the music. Its nice they can do that and produce a good looking fly but I think for me that would take all the enjoyment out of it. If you did make a mistake tying at that level it would probably ruin your whole night of tying. My goal is to stick with one pattern till I get half a dozen or a dozen of each then move on now matter how long it takes.