How many is to many



Sep 26, 2011
So my question to you guys is what material do you have way to much of /will never use up in the rest of in your life time mine is a specific color hackle that i could sit and tie like a dozen flies per day for like the next three or four years
If anyone would like to pick one thing they have way too much of, and send a small bit of it to me, It would kill 2 birds with one stone. I will take some of said hackle. You're welcome :) Im just getting started with tying and gathering materials so I have no big stockpiles yet.
whenever I see a really nice bucktail in black or white I snag them. kinda hard to come by in most shops. I like the ones with really long thin hair for tying hollow flies. you can always just make them shorter if the length is a problem. probably have a round ten of each that being said you can never have enough. still have a lot of sf fiber sitting around that I probably never use. I feel natural materials move much better in the water. the only hackle I use is a pack of whitting grizzly that I use for trico. one of those packs of like ten strips. it will last a long time. I tie a lot of salt pattern and some take a lot of hair.
I cant decide on that "one" item so i'll say that everything I have I will never use up in my remaining lifetime
I am with Norm above I'll never run out of anything ! Been told by friends I hoard some stuff... lol
I'll likely never use most of what I have, but the irrational fear of running out keeps me buying. That's one of the reasons I stick to traditional materials and patterns. If I started buying the new and improved stuff I would need another house.

but not to the extent of those people on the tv show
Dubbing, I have lots and lots of dubbing. I'm never going to stop buying dubbing either, so there. I've decided like nfrechet has that I'll never use up the materials I've amassed and I don't care, I'm gonna keep buying more too. I love to tie flies I've not tied, I love to play at the vise and see what comes of it. There are worse things to spend money on, besides I'm just doing my small part to help drive the economy.
Yeah, I came across a deal I couldn't pass up 50 peacock eye sticks for $7.99. I think I'm pretty much set.
I only started tying a little over a year ago now, and I've been trying not to get carried away with buying materials. Even so, I seem to spend about $60-100 a month on average for fly tying materials and fly fishing gear (in my budget app it's all just lumped into "fly fishing"). As of now I don't have a man-made full if materials like lv2nymph, but I do have a couple drawers of a dresser full, as well as a set of 3 of those plastic drawers full. Plus whatever fits on top of that set of drawers. Oh and also it has overflowed into my other set of drawers that I used to use for office supplies... Lol.

But somehow I really don't tend to purchase duplicates. I routinely run out of things that I use frequently, and have to buy more. Now, do I really need even color uni thread in 6/0 and 8/0, as well as some miscellaneous Danville, veevus, etc? Probably not. But it like to have the variety.
*a man cave full of materials

*every color uni thread

Stupid autocorrect
laszlo wrote:
Yeah, I came across a deal I couldn't pass up 50 peacock eye sticks for $7.99. I think I'm pretty much set.

Only 50? You have to strip half, and bronze half of the remainder. No, I think you need to consider peacock farming ;-)
Partridge feathers (aka English partridge). I horded them like there was no tomorrow back in the late 60's and early 70's. Mostly the brown, which were more desirable than the grey. I have a zillion feathers.

And I learned during that period of time that copper pheasant was much better. The individual fibers are thicker and much stronger. So I bought several complete skins before the import ban.
