how many do you tie

One of my buddies ties while he watches TV. That would be a way to break the boredom, I guess. And with all the commercials on the boob tube now, it makes sense.
JackM wrote:
Lately tying bores me. I can't do more than two or three of a single pattern, then I switch to something else, tie a couple and quit. I'm placing an order on-line today for some Spring flies because I just can't see this tying funk lifting any time soon.

I'm wondering whether the psychology of having my tying desk facing the wall might be having this effect. How many have their desk facing out into the room or have the desk in a room with more activity such as a TV or someone to talk to?


Try tying while watching TV or listening to the radio and/or maybe bring your tying stuff to another room in the house or out on the deck (in good weather). The ultimate tying companion for me is listening to a baseball game on the radio. Although, since you will likely have to listen to the Bucos, it be more of a hindrance than a help. Good luck.

BTW Jack, you must REALLY be a in a DEEP tying funk since you are considering dipping into your wallet and buying flies at a higher cost than tying your own! Wow! :lol:

If all else fails, just visualize about all the pennies, nickels and dimes you are saving by tying. That may motivate you to crank 'em out!
I just started tying at the beginning of the year but have tied almost everynite since. Some nites a dozen, some nites only 3. I started with nymphs and BWO, then Sulphurs. The last few weeks I'm back to nymphs honing my skill. Once I find a pattern that works for me I go back a tie up 2 dozen or so in varying colors over several nites.

The best motivator to avoid bordom for me so far has been my own ties that more than one fish approves!
I will normally take a look in my boxes and see what I might be getting a bit short on, then simply sit down and tie five or six of those short on patterns. Or I may decide to give a few patterns away to friends I fish with, so I'll sit down and run off five or six each for them. I like that five or six of a pattern number for some reason, it just seems to be the right amount of time to sit at the bench.
I have my tying table in the living room, a lot of guys have talked about tying with the tv on, which i do. My question is does this hurt your eyes? I find the constant refocusing from the fly and then looking up at the tv stresses my eyes out. I do agree with JayL tying while drinking helps, matter of fact, I rarely tie without a beer or drink on the end of the table, a sip between each stage of the fly. Also, should note i usually only have sports on while tying, anything else is too distracting.
I normally sit down and tie about 5 or 6 flys at a time -- my mind wanders, lol
I usually tie every day
I tie for our TU raffle every month ,2-3 dozen,and a dozen or 2 for my friend
I usually tie a dozen of each pattern
Here is a woven Honey Bug
everyone thanks for all your input I hope to one day soon be able to sit and tie a dozen flies before changing to a different pattern. I love tying and am fairly new to it so just a little more discipline and patience that I am sure will come with time. There are some patterns I really like to tie and some I dont like at all. some of the more complex patterns are the ones I like to tie the best even though they are not perfect yet but getting better. well thanks again I will let you know how things progress. lFred