How far is your closest wild brook stream?



Jun 30, 2018
No locations needed, just distance and/or travel time. I’m curious as most of you on here live very close to some envious water. I know all the answers I’ll get here will just make me jealous that I don’t live outside of the city. I would say from where I am, it’s about a ~1.5 hour drive to some really good wild brook trout water. Certainly not far but not around the corner either. Browns are right down the road at Valley thankfully, under 30 mins.
Just curious. Are you the JasonC who posts on the HuntingPA forums?
About 40 minutes for me. A bit longer for really good wild brookie water.
Yes I am a member of the HuntingPA forums as well. Is that a problem? While I grew up using spinning gear, I have just recently, as in this summer, picked up my first fly rod and am learning how to fly fish as well. Also didn’t realize that was a problem either. While it may seem I’m “trolling for info” to you, I’m actually trying to learn about everything I can regarding fly fishing and I view the members here on this forum as experts, especially within my home state of PA. Feel how you want about me, no need to make insults or snide remarks.
The river a mile from my house has some wild brookies but they are few and far between in there. I have to go probably 7 or so miles if I want to consistently catch brookies I have my choice of directions though. No matter which way I drive there are streams with wild brookies less than 10 miles away.
40 mins and within 10 miles? I’m jealous! I just got a taste of wild brook fishing for the first time today and am completely hooked! Seriously contemplating taking a job out of school to be closer to wild brook streams, mainly in the Poconos as I’d like to stay in the eastern part of the state.
20 minutes, multiple options.
JasonC wrote:
...I’m actually trying to learn about everything I can regarding fly fishing and I view the members here on this forum as experts, especially within my home state of PA.

IMO, You've come to the right place. Ignore the noise and learn all you like. To me, that's one of the main pleasures of fly fishing.

Tight lines!
The closest Class A is 8 1/2 miles. There are another 10 streams with natural reproduction within a thirty minute drive. However I tend to fish ones that are near my camp in the 1hr 10min to 2hr range just because it’s more remote.
Spin fisherman or lawyer....who else could ask the same question 17 different ways?
Phila to wild brook trout streams: The better, much more abundant streams with easier casting are from the Blue Mountain northward. There are only a few other scattered, good wild brook trout streams in the SE.
Im about 2 blocks from a great wild brook trout stream : )

Love the Poconos
You dont have to go far to find good brook trout fishing in PA no matter where you live.
JasonC wrote:
Yes I am a member of the HuntingPA forums as well. Is that a problem? While I grew up using spinning gear, I have just recently, as in this summer, picked up my first fly rod and am learning how to fly fish as well. Also didn’t realize that was a problem either. While it may seem I’m “trolling for info” to you, I’m actually trying to learn about everything I can regarding fly fishing and I view the members here on this forum as experts, especially within my home state of PA. Feel how you want about me, no need to make insults or snide remarks.
My apologies.
UNT to Tunkhannock Creek. Less than 50 yards from my house. Only fish it a couple times a year.
I can be on some pretty good brookie streams with about an hour of driving.
However, there is one wild brownie stream that I can be on within 40 minutes.
I have absolutely nothing against people who spin fish for trout. In fact an 18 year old who helped me stock the Tully this past spring spin fishes there. I gave him some pointers to help him catch trout on spinning gear, and I also gave him advice about how to safely release a fish. I spin fish for other species.

However, this is a Fly Fishing Location forum, not an AT Location Forum. So I think it would have been proper for the OP to state that he also spin fishes for trout.
outsider wrote:
I have absolutely nothing against people who spin fish for trout. In fact an 18 year old who helped me stock the Tully this past spring spin fishes there. I gave him some pointers to help him catch trout on spinning gear, and I also gave him advice about how to safely release a fish. I spin fish for other species.

However, this is a Fly Fishing Location forum, not an AT Location Forum. So I think it would have been proper for the OP to state that he also spin fishes for trout.

Why? He said he has taken up flyfishing.

Perhaps we need to lobby for a “Preexisting conditions” clause on the forum. But first, let’s all come clean from behind our internet personas we hide behind and share our names and addresses to avoid the trolling.

But only for those with preexisting conditions...the rest of us critics can still be anonymous.