How do you carry your camera?

I carry a DSLR camera with me when fishing (Nikon D40) and depending on where I am fishing, such as If I am close to the shore while wading, I usually just leave it in my backpack on the shore in the shade --- I like to have it close to me so I can snap a pic quick without keeping the fish on the line too long
Update, my wife bought me a neat little digital with zoom and its WATER PROOF!!!, now if i can only remember where i put it.
I plopped the wife's decomissioned PnS into a zip lock bag. I use hers because everything I've ever owned is too bulky or complicated for that sort of thing.

However, to save weight and bulk, I usually leave the camera in the car. ALong with my phone, I'm not dropping a $400 telephone into the stream.
Let's see, by the time I would take my camera out of the wader pocket to take the picture, I could have worked another run and felt another tug from a native trout. I keep mine inside my wader pocket, that way if it gets wet that certainly means I am up to my armpits in trouble.
Zip-Lock Freezer Bags......I put my wallet, Phone and smokes in one. Camera in another. I even fell in a couple of days ago.......LOL. everything was cool except i had decided that my smokes didn't need to live in the bag cause it was a pain in the *** to get em out and put em back. I have learned that wet cigs are no better then no cigs.......LOL!

I always carry a extra pack in the back of my vest in a baggie, It's usually a long walk back to the car!

if u do end up dropping ur camera or other electronic in the water, something that u can do is put it in a bag of white rice which will asorb the moisture. Never had to do this though =)