House to consider bill encouraging private development of state parks

Reading through this thread, some good points on both sides. Of course, the irony is that those kicking hardest against this idea also kick the hardest whenever talks about pension reform are brought up. I guess everyone wants cake and to eat it too.

But I'm not sure I buy into the premise that this about funding the failing pension system and as Sal pointed out, politicians rarely fix the root cause of problems
Great read klingy. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the article klingy, it is so true.
In what I have read, DCNR already has the power to negotiate concessions with private firms. It seems that this bill would put that power into a 9-person, politically appointed board. That spells danger to me. Contact your legislator to make your thoughts heard!
I question if the author has actually visited a state park campground? Lot's of RVs running air conditioning 24/7. Some only come out to cook on the gril and then back to the satellite TV. (I can hear it through the paper thin walls.) Very few camp in tents and cook over open fires. For most it's like a giant picnic with boom boxes playing, screened easy ups, and lawn chairs. This is all fine. But to claim it's much of a nature experience is straining his credibility.
3 of my favorite state parks to camp in pa, NONE allow RVs, tents ONLY!! Penn Roosevelt, Reeds Gap, and Ravensburg.

Never had a bad experience at any of em, nothing better than keepin out the trailer trash! ;-)

I HATE hearing generators at a campground, it's f@&king nature, get out and enjoy it or stay home.
best is when they leave their dog chained outside to bark all damn evening, makes me even happier!
Yep, I'm a ****, I DO tell a ranger about it, and yes, they get a talking to. It's your right to get out and have a good time, but it's not your right to destroy mine! some people have no respect for anyone else around them.

That said, I've noticed an increase in campground use at state parks for a while now, maybe since the 2008 economic crap. People finding out they don't need to spend 1000's to go somewhere for a nice vacation.
do they need more development? Hell no, but they could use some updating, and much needed maintenance. There are enough ticky-tacky places people can go for entertainment, the parks are for nature, and for enjoying it. Just another reason I hate politicians.

One thing I've noticed through the years, in most PA state parks, the sites are so packed together, that they DO seem like trailer parks, right up against one another, while lots of national park and forest campgrounds have much better privacy between sites. Trust me, When I go camping, I want privacy, I have neighbors at home, I don't want neighbors when I'm away. I'm after peace, quiet, and ALONE time!!!
If I want to talk to people, I'll go to a bar.

I question if the author has actually visited a state park campground? Lot's of RVs running air conditioning 24/7. Some only come out to cook on the gril and then back to the satellite TV. (I can hear it through the paper thin walls.) Very few camp in tents and cook over open fires. For most it's like a giant picnic with boom boxes playing, screened easy ups, and lawn chairs. This is all fine. But to claim it's much of a nature experience is straining his credibility. Posted on: Today 18:49

In all honesty that article is very close to the truth and it's very sad.
All I'm sayin' is, there was a time when I was 345lbs and I didn't want nature handed to me on a silver platter like that.
Good. They followed the Constitution.

Good outcome IMO.

The state house voted by a wide margin to reject this proposal.

Kudos to all who contacted their reps in the legislature on this matter (either pro or con). Public opinion and grass roots efforts can still make a diference


Preserve what's left of them, anyway.
I am thrilled they voted the right way for once....totally surprised but thrilled. I know that our country thrives on progress but this is one time I agree things should be left alone.

I just read they are having a revote on this TODAY. Anyone confirm?
bikerfish wrote:

One thing I've noticed through the years, in most PA state parks, the sites are so packed together, that they DO seem like trailer parks, right up against one another, while lots of national park and forest campgrounds have much better privacy between sites. Trust me, When I go camping, I want privacy, I have neighbors at home, I don't want neighbors when I'm away. I'm after peace, quiet, and ALONE time!!!
If I want to talk to people, I'll go to a bar.

Depending on the site you get at Poe Paddy, I like the room between sites there as well. I normally try and get a site with one of those wooden lean-to buildings as they seem to be farther spread out from the other sites.
This strikes me as a pretty good example of legislation that suits the needs of legislators instead of the people they supposedly serve.

With that being said, I like the idea of the hotel at Bald eagle and I have looked into staying there myself. I do think it is a blessing in disguise that the DCNR has limited funds, and as a result, projects like the Inn at Bald Eagle are very rare.

Camping, just like any other hobby (fishing, golfing, hunting, etc) means different things to different people. My girlfriend likes to have a flush toilet but is OK without showers. There are some campers that are OK without flush toilets, and there are some that couldn't imagine living without a shower.

I love that the state parks offer lots of camping options. I love that there are places where you can go to a crowded beach (even though thats not my thing), and I love a quiet campfire at reeds gap.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:

I just emailed my representative thanking him for voting against it, prior to seeing this. I thought it was voted down and done. Hopefully he holds his Nay vote.

Here his how your representatives voted on it last night...
bikerfish wrote:
3 of my favorite state parks to camp in pa, NONE allow RVs, tents ONLY!! Penn Roosevelt, Reeds Gap, and Ravensburg.

Never had a bad experience at any of em, nothing better than keepin out the trailer trash! ;-)

And now that you spot burned them?

Sorry, couldn't resist. ;-)
The Federal land in question was never owned by the states in most cases, the land was just simply within the boundaries of the states.
Be for wanted that once the states get the and it will be up for grabs by extraction industries around the county and then put off limits for things outdoors. We'll never get on that land again.