Hoppers for smallmouth?



New member
Mar 29, 2023
I'm starting to notice grasshoppers in SEPA. I've never had any luck with them on Valley, but is it worth throwing them for smallies? Or should I just stick to frogs and streamers?
Not exclusively smallies and maybe not even a hopper, but I've probably caught more bass on a Fat Albert than any other single pattern. Maybe rivaled by Gurglers
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Yes - try a hopper pattern.
I don't typically associated hoppers with smallies since I fish SMBs mostly in creeks and rivers that are forested along their banks - not what I think of as hopper habitat.

With that said, bass and panfish will key on any insect that is readily available and if you're seeing hoppers, it would be a good time to try one as a fly. . . or frankly any popper or surface fly, perhaps a Gurgler as hookerOM suggests.
Bass are possibly less discriminating than wild brookies. Damsel fly, hoppers, poppers, mice, minnow patterns, etc. Get it in front of them and they will eat it
Bass are possibly less discriminating than wild brookies. Damsel fly, hoppers, poppers, mice, minnow patterns, etc. Get it in front of them and they will eat it
"Bass are possibly less discriminating than wild brookies" Having read and been told this for years I can't say I fully agree 100% of the time.
I'm starting to notice grasshoppers in SEPA. I've never had any luck with them on Valley, but is it worth throwing them for smallies? Or should I just stick to frogs and streamers?

My favorite & most successful smallmouth popper is a diminutive orange slider with rubber legs. What the heck they think it is I don't know nor do I care...

...does Velveeta float???

My second favorite is a diminutive frog colored popper with bulging eyes fished where frogs seem to be non-existent.

Bottom line, IF I carried hoppers with me in my smallmouth fly boxes, I'd chuck them with reckless abandon all day long and wouldn't give a rat's arse if a hopper was as scarce as a frog or floating Velveeta.... ;)