Hodgman PVC bootfoot wader



Dec 9, 2012
I've been using my cheapy rubber hip boots for about 2 years now, and I think I'm ready to retire them - the seams are starting to leak, and there are additional holes in several places. I'm still in school, so I can't really afford to spend $200 on new breathable waders and wading boots, so I was thinking about getting these $60 hodgman PVC waders from Amazon.

Does anybody have any experience with the Hodgman PVC waders? Will I regret this purchase? Any suggestions for alternatives?

I've been spending a little too much on fishing gear in the past few weeks, so I really shouldn't be buying anything at all, but I really do need waders for the spring...
I've never used boot foot waders and I've not tried this brand. I looked at the reviews on them and for what they are most seemed happy and got what they expected, the fact you're on a budget my suggestion would be to read the reviews on them keep your eyes open in the mean time for any thing else you might find. You can only get what your funds will allow, but you already know that. Hope this helps a little.
I would do a search on here for waders the topic comes up often. LL Bean, Orvis tend to have well-regarded waders and offer models at decent price points, and there are reviews on their own sites for their products.

If you ask about a specific model of one of those you may get someone on here who has them to respond. The ones you're looking at I doubt anyone on here uses.

Simms is highly regarded but expensive.

I think you should save up for better waders and wading boots, and in the mean time keep patching what you have and or fish from the bank. I haven't bought waders in ages so I have nothing to suggest (still using Red Ball Flyweights, no longer on market).

What school are you attending?
Yea I was looking at LLBean later last night. Looks like they have some very reasonably prices stocking foot waders... Maybe I'll just try to patch my hip boots and see if I can make them last for a while.

I'm at Lancaster General Hospital for Medical Lab technology right now. Have a job lined up for August when I get out, but until then I'm on a pretty tight budget. Lol.
I have them as a back up, and so far they have lasted me about 7 years. imho they are ideal for spring or fall. great for scrambling out on small streams, through bushes etc

they have outlasted two pairs of Orvis and a pair of Loop waders.

im pretty sure i got them from ****s but i think they are half the price ($30) on Ebay.

I don't have any experience with that model. I have owned Hodgeman stuff.

For one, I'd tell you that PVC/nylon are gonna be pretty bulletproof, but the breathability sucks. That may not be a revelation, but what might be is the difference between hippers and chesties. Lack of breathability in a hipper is no big deal. In a chest wader, it is, especially summer time. If you planned to use them in the summer, I might suggest just getting another pair of cheapo hippers to hold you over until funds get better.

If just planning to use in late fall/winter/early spring - have at it. Been thinking about going this route myself to allow my breathables to last longer.

If you want to go the breathable route. You can probably get stocking foot waders + decent wading boots for under $150. They won't be top of the line. And the difference between top of the line and cheapo's is mostly longevity. But cheapo breathables should last you at least a year, maybe two. And the boots at least 2 or 3.
LLBean has a lifetime warranty on products. If waders leak, take them back. If they do leak and you want to upgrade to a better model, they'll do that for you and you pay the difference. Great attribute IMO.

Check out these.


You can find some cheap boots for $20-30 if you look around. These would be a good entry level to waders and you can get in for around $100.
LLBean has a "satisfaction guarantee", meaning somethings wear out, but yes they will replace waders if you are not fully satisfied.

The new Kennebec waders are awfully nice...

I've used hodgeman for years and used to sell them (supplier changed) can't go wrong with them. Another cheapy hipper is the frogg toggs in bootfoot that are good. Mine are 3 years now and still kicking with no leaks crashing brush..