Hip boots/Waders for a Large Person



Aug 15, 2011
My daughter wants to learns to fly fish. She is a large woman, not terribly tall, 5'9" but she has large calves and thighs. She tried boots at Cabellas and Dicks but couldn't get them over her calves. I can't tell if there would be anything at LL Bean or Orvis. Can anyone give me an idea where I might look. She is a single mom with a 10 year old who has gone fishing with me quite a few times and caught several on flies. Since I'm getting a bit long in the tooth, I think she wants to be able to take him fishing when I'm no longer able.

So, ideas anyone?
Try Frogg Toggs. They seem to have more realistic sizing. They are also reasonably priced. Simms also make waders in special sizes but may be beyond your price point.
My daughter wants to learns to fly fish. She is a large woman, not terribly tall, 5'9" but she has large calves and thighs. She tried boots at Cabellas and Dicks but couldn't get them over her calves. I can't tell if there would be anything at LL Bean or Orvis. Can anyone give me an idea where I might look. She is a single mom with a 10 year old who has gone fishing with me quite a few times and caught several on flies. Since I'm getting a bit long in the tooth, I think she wants to be able to take him fishing when I'm no longer able.

So, ideas anyone?
If your calves are not big, you have no idea how hard it can be to put on a pair of waders...

I have large muscular calves from years as a weightlifter and finding hippers or waders that fit easily over my lower leg is a real challenge especially in the last 10 -15 years. Even neoprene guard socks have gotten smaller, I guess because manufacturers found out they can increase their profits by scrimping on a 1/2" of fabric...

The other problem is as you go up in wader size, the bootee goes up in size as well so you get a lousy fit over the foot. Because I am in the same boat I can offer a couple of suggestions:
First off, don't buy anything without trying it on first.​
Second, don't even LOOK at Hippies from Chota. They are ridiculously tight in the calf area.​
I have no idea about the current fit but the OLD Hogeman Wadelite stocking foot hip boots fit me wonderfully. Maybe the new version has the same fit?​
I have an old pair of Cabela's branded waders that fit me fine. Did she try Cabela's waders at Cabela's or another brand? I seem to recall they were a sized larger but with a normal length leg, whatever that fit is called.​
It's a guess but I have a feeling cheaper waders aren't as "fashionable" and possibly less restrictive.​
As all pant legs can be flattened to take a width measurement. I suggest she takes a pair of comfortably fitting pants, take calf & thigh width measurements and start emailing or calling manufacturers or fly shops and asking them for comparative measurements.​
I did that once BEFORE purchasing a new a pair of hippers and found out I would have wasted my time & money if I bought them. Bottom line it will save you a lot of time.​
Boot foot options versus stocking foot options may be roomier.​
If all ease fails, there are custom options but they aren't cheap.​

Good luck!!
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My daughter wants to learns to fly fish. She is a large woman, not terribly tall, 5'9" but she has large calves and thighs. She tried boots at Cabellas and Dicks but couldn't get them over her calves. I can't tell if there would be anything at LL Bean or Orvis. Can anyone give me an idea where I might look. She is a single mom with a 10 year old who has gone fishing with me quite a few times and caught several on flies. Since I'm getting a bit long in the tooth, I think she wants to be able to take him fishing when I'm no longer able.

So, ideas anyone?
Dear mcneishm,

I hope I'm not being offensive, but did she try on any men's waders, or did she try any in stout sizes? Cabela's lists a men's medium stout size. She may also want to think about waist-high waders, or even neoprene, since it is far more stretchy.


Tim Murphy :)
I saw the Miss Mayfly Waders display at the Fly Fishing Shows this year. I didn't pay much attention to their products, but their booth was busy with women checking out and trying on their waders.

Below is a quote from their website. It looks like they have five ranges of sizing, with more specific sizes within each of these these ranges: Slim; Curvy; Full; Plus; and Supreme.

The brand’s mission is to empower anglers of all shapes and sizes, providing fit-focused fishing and wading gear designed to achieve unmatched performance in the outdoors. At Miss Mayfly, we strive to provide the best in fit, comfort and stability while ensuring the ultimate in strength and durability of our products. It is this passion behind the brand's mission that has propelled Miss Mayfly to lead significant strides towards making fly fishing more inclusive.

Here is a clickable link to the website, which includes a sizing guide chart that lists a wide range of measurements that might be helpful:

Miss Mayfly Waders

Your daughter and grandson are fortunate to have you.
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