HI VIS Material



Active member
Jun 29, 2011
I'm looking to buy some different colors of this but I can only find it in white. Does anyone know who selld this material in colors other than white?

Fox - I looked around and could only find white also (Cabela's).

I've got white, dark dun, and medium dun.

I'll share. ;-)

The address on the package is:

L & L Products
12 Raemer Court
Bethpage, NY 11714


Just remembered where I saw some. The Heritage Fly Shop (at the Little Lehigh) has:

2 pkg #11 white
2 pkg #16 med dun
1 pkg #20 yellow/brown
1 pkg wine/burgundy (no label on the package)

I just got off the phone with Dave, the owner of the shop, and that's all he has.

Thanks Ed. I found a company called Rumpf that sells a multitude of colors but only to dealers. They gave me a few names of shops that purchase it and I'm waiting to hear back from one of them now. I want to try some of the flies in Gonzales' book on those picky buggers on the Saucon. I lose sleep over dem!!!!!!!!!! LOL
the saucon? try a big beefy bugger with a hares ear nymph dropper dead drifted. what part do you plan on fishing of it?
I catch fish pretty regularly on the Saucon except in the "chute" in the park. Those fish rise pretty good but are finicky as hell!
Chute is tough, no denying. I find small flies ie 22-28 dressed extremely sparse, fished dry dropper are the ticket.
" The Chute"
8 - 12x tippet
12 foot leader to 22 foot
flies tied just for it #26-32 (42 if ya can find em)
stealth and patience.
Foxgap239 wrote:
I catch fish pretty regularly on the Saucon except in the "chute" in the park. Those fish rise pretty good but are finicky as hell!

I feel your pain. :) I spent many an hour there trying to catch one of them. They like to goof with you.
As said above small sparse flies and a good drift. Sounds easy. :lol:
Try one of sandfly's little 28 wolf.
Thanks guys. I love that stream and I refuse to let a bunch of fish take away my time of their water. When I finally catch them (dynamite is still illegal, right?) I'll give them a piece of my mind!
The cabelas Hi-vis, I am wondering what that stuff actually is, because as far as i knew the name "Hi-Vis" was and is used for z-lon quite often.

The description of the product from cabelas matches the characteristics of crinkly z-lon. I wish to know because the cabelas stuff is way cheaper.

So does anyone use or has used this stuff from them????
Link to Cabela's Hi-Viz? I always thought hi-viz could be attached freely to any material the colors or iridescense of which made it "highly visible" to the angler.

Now, if Cabelas or anyone else is branding that term or attempting to do so, they need to name it "Hive-Is."
JU, I'm reading a book by Lloyd Gonzales and he mentions both. Sometimes he uses them interchangeably and other times shows one over the other in his patterns. Not that I can answer your question defintively because after all, those damn "chute" dwellers are making me look foolish. Who knows maybe they know something I don't! LOL
Fox, I think its all the same. But im not sure. Well we will just have to catch one of them dwellers and put them on the hot seat! lol
Foxgap239 wrote:
JU, I'm reading a book by Lloyd Gonzales and he mentions both.

Foxgap239, is that book "Fly fishing pressured waters"?
He ties some interesting flies in that book.
TCO fly shop in west lawn is where i got my hi vis they had a few different colors i believe u can check their website. If you are looking for actual Z-LON craig mathews of blue ribbon flies has the rights to the original stuff and they have many colors and it comes in straight or crinkled this is what i use and i like it alot www.blueribbonflies.com
Foxgap239, is that book "Fly fishing pressured waters"?
He ties some interesting flies in that book.

Yes and I have to admit I like and agree with his thought process. Now whether I can actually tie the flies, it a completely different horse of a color I don't even know! :-D