hey everyone



New member
Jun 25, 2014
Just got my fly kit last night. Headed to Monocacy creek right now with fishinphilly (brother). Very excited. Happy to be a part of the community. Hear so many good things.
Welcome aboard and to ffing. Any questions you might have just ask em, there's somebody here with the answer usually no matter what it is.
215fly wrote:
Just got my fly kit last night. Headed to Monocacy creek right now with fishinphilly (brother). Very excited. Happy to be a part of the community. Hear so many good things.

Watch out 215!....your brother FIP/Ryan never looks at his backcast...he's liable to wipe out a family of four if they get behind him on the walking path. ;-)

Welcome to the site and welcome to the sport.
Let us know how you do on the Monocacy.
Welcome! Some days and nights of study and fun, and some fishing too -
I literally laughed out loud! Its okay, he doesnt look at his back cast either, he caught a few squirrels, a pheasant, and took out a hummingbird. For first time fly fishing he didnt do bad. he did catch a 6 inch brownie. I skunked.

I left him with one word. Pause. he keeps forgetting to pause on the back cast to let the line unfurl. Hes a fast learner like me, he'll be up and running in no time. And joining me for fish and chips.

afishinado wrote:
215fly wrote:
Just got my fly kit last night. Headed to Monocacy creek right now with fishinphilly (brother). Very excited. Happy to be a part of the community. Hear so many good things.

Watch out 215!....your brother FIP/Ryan never looks at his backcast...he's liable to wipe out a family of four if they get behind him on the walking path. ;-)

Welcome to the site and welcome to the sport.
Welcome board. GG
Welcome board. GG
There are alot of midges on monocacy creek. Indicator fishing with light line 6x and small midge patterns can be very productive there. Just a tip.

Welcome to the jungle! Bunch of crazy guys here that love teaching Lehigh Valley folks how to fish. Welcome aboard!
Welcome to the Jungle! And to a lot of fun and frustration. :-0
Welcome to the board and the world of FF'ing 215